By Melanie Lekocevic
Capital Region Independent Media
CAIRO — Cairo resident and combat veteran Michael Adrian will be inducted into
the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame, state Sen. Michelle Hinchey, D-46, announced.
Adrian served in the United States Army and the National Guard for 23 years, earning the
rank of Sergeant First Class.
He is now commander of American Legion Mohican Post 983 in Cairo, a post he has held
for more than 10 years.
“His recognitions and honors include Army Achievement Awards, State Defense Awards
and the Presidential Award,” Hinchey said in a video statement.
Hinchey has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and remained in quarantine at press time.
Adrian continues to work with local veterans, Hinchey said.
“Under his leadership, the first New York State Hometown Heroes banner event was created, recognizing local veterans
in their communities,” Hinchey said.
The Hometown Heroes Banner program posts banners atop poles in communities, each with a photo, name and other details
about military veterans. Cairo was the first community in New York state to participate in the program in 2013.
Adrian was born in the Bronx and moved with his family to Coxsackie. He graduated from Coxsackie-Athens High School in 1983 and enlisted in the U.S. Army on Sept. 7, 1983.
He began his military service as a cook, and rose to the rank of Battalion Mess Sergeant, according to Hinchey.
Adrian went on to serve with the National Guard until 2003, when he was called back to active duty serving with the “Big
Red One,” the 1st Infantry Division in Iraq.
He was honorably discharged in September 2005. During his military service, Adrian achieved the rank of Army Sergeant First Class with the 2nd Battalion, 108th Headquarters, Battalion First Food Service.
His military honors include six Army Achievement Awards, seven Army Commendation Awards — the second highest Army award — in addition to State Defense Awards, civil and federal awards.
Adrian also earned the Presidential Award and Overseas Awards for his dedication to the Armed Forces, Hinchey said.
In his work with the American Legion Post in Cairo, Adrian has spearheaded numerous projects, including sponsoring
a floor at the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center, where the post donates items including televisions and blankets to assist veterans in need. Adrian also organizes the annual Cairo Memorial Day Parade to honor fallen soldiers.
In September, Adrian worked with his employer at the Citgo gas station on Route 23 to set up a Table of Honor with 13
empty coffee cups at the station to honor the 13 service members who died Aug. 26 in the bombing at Kabul International
Airport during the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Table of Honor remained for about a week.
“Through his work with American Legion Post 983, and his leadership in community outreach, Mr. Adrian continues to support the veterans of Greene County,” Hinchey said in a statement.