THROUGH THE WOODS: We gather together



THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS were the two days of the year when we all got together and shared a 1950s special meal. Everything was timed around the 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. milking of our cows and related chores. The gigantic pale turkey was laid in the roaster pan and stuffed with homemade stuffing. Not from a box, but the real deal of celery and onion sautéed in butter plus crumbled, moistened good white bread (crusts too), Bell’s Poultry Seasoning, some salt and pepper, and then stuffed into the bird. Nothing tasted better and we didn’t get sick from salmonella or any other disease. Maybe it was because they were local free-range birds. We didn’t know there was anything else. The big bird had to be started early in the day and cooked for many hours until it was a luscious crispy-skinned brown. The internal juices had been absorbed by the stuffing and the rest of the drippings were in the pan for gravy, and we always used diced giblets.

No one complained about this until later years, when one person in particular complained. Too bad he could pick out the giblet pieces, the majority ruled. We had the luxury of both whole cranberry sauce and canned jellied. One of my jobs was sorting the fresh cranberries removing any leaves, stems, or bad berries. Everyone had something to do. Brothers, sisters, couples, aunts, grandmothers, and kids contributed in some way. It could be mayhem, but somehow it was all coordinated, mostly by my maternal grandmother. I got the cut glass dishes out and put out green stuffed and black olives, washed celery sticks for the long celery dish, homemade pickles, and after dinner mixed nuts. These were do-it-yourself nuts, and a nutcracker was near the wooden bowl. Sugar bowls and creamers were filled, and we found extra salt and pepper shakers.

There was a large, long table with extra leaves added, but we children had our own, smaller table. Good, embroidered tablecloths were placed on tables and younger children put out the silverware. We were dairy farmers and we had lots of real butter, and our own whole milk by the pitcher full. My mother and grandmother were always double-checking everything.

The men came in from the barns, cleaned up and changed clothes, and helped get out the extra chairs. Wood was brought in, and the wood stove stoked so the rooms became toasty warm and cozy. My father or uncle got the heavy turkey on a platter and carved it, and I got the tail, my favorite part (fortunately no one else wanted it). My mother scooped out the stuffing and placed it on the sides of the platter. There were mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, plus another tradition, scalloped oysters. My aunt made pies: pumpkin, mince for my father, and apple for everyone. Her apple pie was wonderful and was served warm. We also had warm apple sauce that she made from their own apples. It was a pretty pink from being cooked with the skins and strained out. Dishes sat steaming on the tables and the delicious aromas wafted by. We bowed our heads and said grace, and remembered how truly fortunate we were. Food was passed and enjoyed until all were ready for a cup of after-dinner coffee, and we began the cleanup. No dishwashers back then, we had a family assembly line until all was clean, dried, and back in the cupboards. It was a wonderful day for the family of two farms getting together at my grandparents’ house. We remember all who are no longer with us and thank them for teaching us the traditions that will be carried out with all our new children. We will enjoy this day of giving thanks for all we have and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving too.

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