SPRING MIGRANTS ARE arriving, and the air is filled with the happy sounds of birds singing everywhere. Some of our winter yard birds like the little Dark-eyed Juncos gathered into flocks and most have left for the north and higher elevations. Black bears have been around our area already so be prepared to have your bird feeders raided. A few years ago, some expensive feeders were bitten in half so this year they were taken in early. I put loose whole corn, cracked corn, and sunflower seeds on the lawn. Bears can eat from this without damaging anything.
Since the birdseed attracts the bears to a yard there could be danger to us and pets, so be vigilant when you go outside. If you see a bear, it is best to stay inside and not go out to take pictures or try to scare it away.
Most of the waterfowl have moved up the Hudson River and gone north, although I did see a nice male Blue-winged Teal last week. These are some of the later waterfowl migrants who prefer warmer weather.
Huge flocks of hundreds of swallows were observed flying up the Hudson River by friends. They were rapidly catching insects and swirling around and back and forth. The majority were Tree Swallows but there were probably some others. It is a dizzying task to look through binoculars and find one particular species of swallow. Today a Tree Swallow was flying at the back of the house. Also present were 6 Turkey Vultures checking out some old meat put out for them. The American Crows flew in to harass them. After all, it is their field.
There are many internet listservs available for birders to join. Members post recent bird species sightings so other birders know which ones are coming to an area. I get alerts from New York City, Kingston, Albany, and north up to Canada. The Kingston area has been getting warblers so I knew we would be getting them soon. The family of birds called Wood-warblers are small birds, about 57 species in North America, and are about 4 ¼ to 7” long. Most in our area are about 5” long with the Yellow-breasted Chat the longest at 7”. This bird is usually found down south and only rarely visits our area. So far this year there have been Yellow-rumped Warblers, plus Golden-crowned, and Ruby-crowned Kinglets in the yard.
Warblers and swallows eat insects, so the weather has to be warm enough to have abundant insects available. Fortunately for the birds, we are finally getting this. I got two mosquito bites yesterday. Eastern Phoebes are flycatchers, and they are back to my place just in time to do insect patrols in addition to the Tree Swallows over the field. There are lots of flies and bees under the house eaves and the birds avidly clean them up.
Sometimes we forget that our birds have vital roles in our environment besides giving us the pleasure of their songs, flight, and beauty. We enthusiastically welcome them back for the season and greatly appreciate all they do for us.