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THROUGH THE WOODS: Short-eared owls



IT IS A THRILL watching the nimble aerial acrobatics of several football-sized owls. Short-eared owls migrate down from the north for the winter. We think of owls as night birds, however, these owls hunt both day and night and are usually visible to us at dawn and dusk, which is called crepuscular activity. Large farm fields producing grain and hay during the summer host untold numbers of small mammals such as mice and voles. A vole looks like a mouse but prefers to eat vegetation such as roots and seeds, is usually larger than mice (4-6” long), and has a stubbier face and tail. They are also related to lemmings, which live in the far north and are loved by owls. Birds and mammals like weasels and muskrats are also eaten.

A good place to see the short-eared owls is the Washington County Fort Edward Grasslands: https://dec.ny.gov/places/washington-county-grasslands-wildlife-management-area. Photo contributed

What we find exciting as observers is deadly serious for the owls. The owls become alert to northern harriers (also called marsh hawks), which compete for the owl’s food. Short-eared owls circle and chase the hawks and an owl’s long wings are raised then slapped beneath it, chasing the hawks out to other fields. Male harriers are called “grey ghosts” for their white body and black-tipped gray wings (females are brown). The owls fly low to the snow or ground with a gliding, rocking motion and then abruptly circling back for another look or listen. Sometimes they give short squawks/barks with an occasional sound like a cat’s mew. Might this cause prey to move?

An owl will hover and dive down to grab its prey. Then fly off to perch on a fence post or power pole. Feeding time is short while standing on prey and looking in all directions for an attempted steal. A large vole’s head is pulled up, snipped off, and swallowed. Next long strands of guts are pulled out and eaten and the body is chugged down last. After eating 1-2 small mammals an owl may stash more prey to carry it through bad weather. Owls do not have a crop like other birds. They digest the food directly for 8-10 hours. After squeezing out the nutrients a pellet of bones, hair, or feathers is coughed up. These owls have little fear of people, perch at the tops of yard trees, and often pass by buildings. Eventually, the owls find a good place to shelter and rest. They love thick cedars with room for several owls. It is difficult to count them because they dart all over. Sometimes a family unit winters together. Next month they will begin courting and move back up north to nest. New York is fortunate to host them during winter and we will miss their fascinating flights.

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