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New Lebanon Town board reviews well testing results



NEW LEBANON – When the town board met earlier in August, most of the meeting dealt with commercial self-storage units, which was reported on in an earlier edition of The Columbia Paper (“New Leb storage developments” August 17-24). Here are some of the other more important developments at that meeting:

*The Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) has released the most recent well testing results from various areas around the town. Chloroform levels were reported to be on average with statewide results, or about 40%. E coli was detected in about 20% of the wells tested. The CAC says some of these higher test results were in areas located in proximity to the uncapped landfill or around older septic systems. The committee continues to get requests for testing and wants to continue with such, particularly in the hot spot areas. Supervisor Tistrya Houghtling indicated water testing was one of the items high on the list from a survey the town conducted concerning the best use of ARAP monies.

PFAS, sometimes referred to as forever chemicals, have also been detected at the New Lebanon Jr./HS. building but are not believed to be related to any landfill leach. The school has a filtration system in place.

*According to reports generated by the electronic speed monitoring sign placed on U.S. Route 20 in the area of the Walter B. Howard Elementary School, drivers are exceeding the 45-mph limit in alarming rates. The sign will be left there through September to see if there is any change once school re-opens. The report did note that eastbound drivers do not travel as fast as those that are westbound. Contacting the State Police and the Sheriff’s Office about enhanced patrols is under consideration.

*The Columbia County KISS Program (senior document shredding services) has returned to the New Lebanon Town Hall. Any senior can bring paper they would like shredded to the town hall any weekday except Tuesday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The service is free.

*Wreaths across America will visit New Lebanon. The goal of the Wreaths Across America (WWA) Mobile Education Exhibit is to bring local communities and the military together with education, stories and interactive connections.

The 48’ exhibit is equipped with a 24-person screening room that showcases the different aspects of the WAA mission through video. At the front of the exhibit there are three interactive computers to showcase locations, trucking supporters, and general wreath sponsorship questions. Also, in the front is an educational wall of information on the different areas of WAA and where the mission will be going in years to come.

The purpose of the Mobile Education Exhibit is to not only teach the next generation about service, but to share stories of patriotism and love of country to communities around the United States.

The WAA mobile exhibit will be at the New Lebanon Jr./Sr. High School on Tuesday, September 19. Students are welcome to visit between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend between 3:30 to 7 p.m.

The visit is sponsored by the Stephentown Area Veterans and well as the New Lebanon and Berlin American Legions.

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