NEW LEBANON–Monte Wasch and Sara Conley from the Lebanon Valley Community Corporation, a new 501(c)(3) charitable organization, were featured speakers at the meeting of New Lebanon Seniors at the new community center in the old fire station in New Lebanon on April 5.
Mr. Wasch reviewed the short history of the new charity starting with a family gift drive initiated by Town Supervisor Tistrya Houghtling for a family that was displaced by a fire. The drive raised over $6,000 and highlighted the need for a nimble and flexible charitable organization. A school supply drive raised over $2,000 for a variety of school supplies for local children. Finally, Mr. Wasch reported a pledge to the organization of $5,000 from Stewart’s to help cover the cost of disability access for the Shatford Park playground renovation.
Ms. Conley, who also serves on the advisory board of the Columbia County Office for the Aging, reported on an outreach by the Lebanon Valley Community Corporation to reach out to all seniors with a mailing directly to 648 seniors who are registered to vote, while looking to identify and survey others.