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UPDATED: Many in New Leb without power


NEW LEBANON–There is still dry ice and water available at the New Lebanon Firehouse by Jimmy D’s until 7 pm tonight (9/9) and again tomorrow (9/10) from 8 am until 7 pm, in anticipation of more potential storm activity tonight taking out power again and/or some of our residents not being fully restored by tomorrow morning from the last storm, according to a September 9 press release from the New Lebanon Town Clerk.

Earlier release

The storm last night (9/7) left many New Lebanon residents without power. NYSEG is hard at work getting everybody restored as soon as possible but it looks like there may be outages for an extended period of time, according to a September 8 press release from the Town Clerk

There will be bottled water and dry ice available at LVPA, 523 Route 20, New Lebanon, Saturday, September 9 between 8:30 and 11:30 am.

Residents can come and pick up dry ice and bottled water.

The town thanks the fire department, highway department, and all the NYSEG employees and everyone else that has been working since last night to clear the roads, restore power, and make sure everybody is safe.

New Lebanon residents who need anything should feel free to reach out directly to Town Supervisor Tistrya Houghtling at 518-505-1535.

A reminder that the New Lebanon Library has been designated an official cooling center by the Town of New Lebanon. The Library will offer extended hours on September 9 from 10 am to 3 pm for anyone who needs to cool off or have a place to be that has electricity and air conditioning.

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