Shakespeare & Company production Emma

LIBRARIES: Roe Jan, North Chatham, Hudson, Chatham


Roe Jan plans book group, in person or online

COPAKE—This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which made it illegal to deny suffrage on the basis of sex. To celebrate this anniversary, and to consider what the vote has and does mean in U.S. democracy, the Roeliff Jansen Community Library hosts a reading and discussion series on women’s suffrage, beginning June 9 at 6 p.m.

The group will read six books between June and August, and meet about every other week. Click here to see the reading list. The current plan is to meet in person at the library, 9091 Route 22, but if that is not possible, the meetings will move to Zoom.

The program will be led by Tammy Gaskell, library director and women’s historian. Space is limited; sign up by emailing Ms. Gaskell at

N. Chatham, meets, learns, online

N. CHATHAM—The public is invited to the North Chatham Free Library Board of Trustees meeting Thursday, May 14 at 7 p.m. For information about joining the online meeting, call 518 766-3211 or email

The following week, the library presents “Protect Yourself from COVID-19 Scams,” Wednesday, May 20 at 10 a.m., via a free Zoom session. Cassandra Walker, associate director in the NYS Attorney General’s Office, will discuss the most common scams her office is seeing, as scammers use the COVID-19 crisis to steal money and / or identities.

Call or email the library in advance for information on how to log into the Zoom meeting: 518 766-3211 or .

This session is part of the NCFL’s adult learning program, Enriching Life Increasing Knowledge (ELIK), funded in part by the Bank of Greene County.

Hudson meets, helps with job search online

HUDSON—The Board of Trustees of the Hudson Areal Library holds their monthly meeting Saturday, May 16 at 10:15 a.m. The Friends of the Hudson Area Library meets Wednesday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to both meetings, which will be held via Zoom; the links will be posted on the library calendar, found at

The library has expanded its Job Search Help program and offers it virtually, with the support of Berkshire-Taconic Community Foundation’s Fund for Columbia County Grants for Community Impact.

As lives change, so do jobs. Refreshing a resume or brushing up on interview skills can be vital for a post-pandemic job comeback.

Beth Gordon, a Certified Career Services Provider, is ready to work one-on-one at a safe distance through telephone or computer, on Skype, Zoom, FaceTime or voice. She is available by appointment. Email to set up an appointment for a one-on-one session. Studies have shown that having a qualified person help with the process of seeking a job gives an individual a much greater chance of success.

Take a tour, any time, day or night, virtually

CHATHAM—The Chatham Public Library notes that while the buildings of museums and historic sites, are closed, the curious can take a virtual tour, at: Albany Museum of History and Art, Norman Rockwell Museum, Thomas Cole Historic Site, Berkshire Museum, Olana, USS Slater, The Clark, Shaker Museum, Hancock Shaker Village, Storm King Art Center and Art Omi. For links to these sites, visit

Learn the twist, the monkey and the hully-gully at home

HUDSON—Andrew Resto’s dance classes continue at the Hudson Area Library via Zoom, Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and Fridays at 5 p.m. Registration is required for this free program.

Mr. Resto has taught ballroom and salsa classes in collaboration with the library and the Hudson Senior Center since 2017. With the interruption of on-site classes and the semiannual Hudson Armory dances, seniors and others can still keep fit and have fun in these one-hour sessions that feature warmups and cooldowns.

The classes focus on gentle impact for seniors, sometimes adding a chair for support. Participants will learn and practice dance steps like the twist, the monkey and the Hully-Gully.

To register for the program email and or call the Senior Center Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 518 828-3200. Once registered for the program, participants will receive both session invitations in their email and may choose to join one or both classes.

The library and the senior center are closed to the public until further notice and are offering programs, resources, services and support remotely.

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