HUDSON–Greene Columbia – Community Organizations Active in Disaster (GC-COAD) announces the appointment of a new chairperson who will lead its coalition to the next level in ongoing preparation for support and resources should communities in Greene and Columbia counties experience a natural or man-made disaster.
Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD), an emergency management term, are local (neighborhood, town, county or state region) disaster coalitions that coordinate nonprofit efforts within an emergency management jurisdiction in each state or U.S. Territory. COADs work closely at the state level with New York Voluntary Organizations Active In Disaster (VOAD) for statewide coordination and resources provided by the state or territory. A strong COAD is essential to a locally managed response and long-term recovery.
In New York, county and regional COADs are chartered by New York VOAD and coordinated in partnership with County Emergency Managers. They received technical assistance from NYVOAD as well as by the voluntary agency liaisons at both the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (NYS DHSES) and FEMA Region 2. Currently, 46 counties have a COAD.
All COADs are required to adhere to the National VOAD Points of Consensus & Guidelines related to ESF6 (Emergency Support Function 6 Mass Care and Human Services).
Following the VOAD movement’s 4Cs (Cooperation, Communication, Coordination, and Collaboration) NYVOAD and county and local COADs work together to prepare for and respond to disasters and public health emergencies to ensure that unmet needs are addressed and to share knowledge and resources with impacted and/or hazard vulnerable communities.
Working with the NYS DHSES and Emergency Managers from both Greene and Columbia Counties, representatives first met in the late fall of 2019 when Theresa Lux, executive director, Catholic Charities of Columbia and Greene Counties, Diocese of Albany, and Florence Lorenz Ohle, executive director of Community Action of Greene County, Inc., were appointed co-chairs. They began establishing and organizing the new two county organization but then experienced significant delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Once able, the CG-COAD began meeting again and many local and regional government, non-profit and religious groups joined its ranks.
At its last meeting, Max Sanchez was appointed by the group to chair the GC-COAD. Mr. Sanchez is an experienced professional in the field of emergency and disaster management. Currently serving the Red Cross as a Disaster Program Manager for the Hudson Valley, he has made significant contributions in this role for over two years.
Prior to joining the Red Cross, Mr. Sanchez spent ten years in the emergency medical services field as a paramedic, gaining invaluable experience in handling critical situations. He also has a background of 12 years in the volunteer fire service and volunteer ambulance service.
Mr. Sanchez graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in Emergency and Disaster Management from SUNY Canton and has earned a master’s degree in Maritime and Naval Studies from SUNY Maritime College, specializing in Maritime Emergency Management, with a research focus on the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Outside of work, he finds joy in indoor rock climbing, hiking, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Within the Red Cross, he specializes in government operations as well as community engagement and partnerships, actively contributing to bridging the gap between community organization and government agencies.
“We thank Theresa Lux and Florence Lorenz Ohle for their hard work and dedication in establishing our GC-COAD and are excited to have Max carry on in this important community support role,” Director of Emergency Management for Columbia County David Harrison, Jr, said in a press release.
Daniel King, deputy director of Greene County Emergency Services echoed Director Harrison’s comments. “Florence and Theresa helped set us up for success with the twin county COAD, Max will continue to build and engage the COAD to help both counties be better prepared for disasters”
The GC-COAD is always looking for new member organizations. The group typically meets quarterly in either Greene or Columbia County. The interaction and resources of thier partners are not only very important during a disaster, they can be a valuable resource for smaller serious or emergency situations that may come up anytime. For more info about COADs in NYS go to: or contact:;;