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EDITORIAL: Lull for Chatham supervisor


THE RACE FOR SUPERVISOR in the Town of Chatham has a topsy-turvy feel to it, though the mash-up of politicians’ parties is not unusual at the local level of government.

Town Board member Maria Lull, a Republican, is running on the Democratic line in the November 3 election. She is challenging incumbent Supervisor Jesse DeGroodt, a former Democrat who renounced his party designation several years ago and is now a registered voter with no party. He is running on the Republican line.

Incumbent Jesse DeGroodt has demonstrated an admirable commitment to the community. His years of service have seen many positive changes for the town. But lately it seems as if he takes action only when prodded. That’s leading from behind and the town faces challenges the require a more active board.

I support Maria Lull because she promises a refreshingly vigorous approach. She also has an understanding of finances. As a member of the Town board she has advanced practical ideas and has the experience to see them through. And finally, she is the better choice for diminishing divisions in the town.




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