CANAAN–The 2025 organizational meeting of the Canaan Town Board on January 13, presided over by Supervisor Brenda Adams, began with a public hearing on Public Law No. 4 led by Town Attorney Andrew Howard which lasted from 7 to 7:54 p.m. with more than 80 residents in attendance.
Whether the result of an anonymous mailing to town residents or genuine concern, the board listened and subsequently revised its plans. The legislation is aimed at discouraging or preventing purchases of several properties as business only versus residential. The intent is a balance of residential living and rentals with no short-term rentals by some residents. Discussion covered inspections to be conducted by the town enforcement officer, a complaint hotline, a 4% tax, and timing of permits and applications.
Plans for Public Law No. 4 will include revisions based on comments and advice of counsel with revisions to be sent out in a February draft and on to Columbia County in March. The revised legislation will be sent out a bit earlier to be followed by a second public hearing.
At the organizational meeting, the board went through and passed unanimously 51 resolutions covering all manner of business for the coming year, including naming The Columbia Paper as the official recipient for public notices in 2025.
Supervisor Adams reported receipt of a $110,000 CEC grant from New York State with no match required, one of many grants totaling $3,000,000 in Columbia County.
David Patzwahl reported on the transfer station with tonnage in December down a bit to 12 tons for a total of 616 tons of refuse in 2024 versus 587 tons in 2023, a 4.9% increase.