C-GCC’s Black Rocket Camps offer online STEAM education


GREENPORT — With summer camps in Columbia County canceled this year and many other programs in limbo, Columbia-Greene Community College has joined forces with Black Rocket Productions LLC, to offer families with children ages eight to 14 an alternative.

A provider of digital arts and creative sciences camps, Black Rocket has partnered with C-GCC to provide a series of online, educational programs this summer, slated to run for seven weeks from Monday, June 29 through Monday, August 10. The courses are taught live by trained instructors and available to students anywhere, with two online camps running each week.

Children ages eight to 14 are welcomed to enroll in C-GCC’s Black Rocket online camps this summer, which include 12 different video game creation courses. Photo contributed

A dozen courses will be offered, each with one section for eight-to-11-year-olds and another for 11-to-14-year-olds, including: 3D Game Design with Unity; Battle Royale: Make Your First Fortnite Style Video Game; Code Breakers; JavaScript Developer Jam; Minecraft Designers; Minecraft Modders; Minecraft Redstone Engineers; Pokemon Masters: Designers & 3D Makers Unite!; ROBLOX Coders & Entrepreneurs!; ROBLOX Makers; Rocket Kart Racers: Design A Mario Kart Style Game, and Video Game Animation.

Students will participate in both Black Rocket’s Creator Corps™ community — which offers access to games, challenges, and the 2020 International STEAM Competition — and in smaller break-out sessions with other students and instructors.

Tuition starts at $149 and varies by course. More information, including registration details and a full schedule, can be found at https://blackrocket.com/online/gre/.

To introduce families to their offerings, Black Rocket and C-GCC are currently offering free open game-play sessions and eSports live streams at 4 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday. These free-play opportunities provide a sneak-peek into the online camps C-GCC and Black Rocket will offer this summer.

For more information or to register for sampler classes, visit BlackRocket.com/online and click on “Online Learning & Live Coaches.”

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