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Firefighters complete more training


GREENPORT—The Columbia County Fire Coordinator’s office announces that the following volunteer firefighters have completed continuing education courses.

Firefighter 1 graduates from the 29-session class held in Red Rock were: Anita Crosby, Connor Daly, Ron Davis, Timothy Davis, Gregg Kyle, Courtney Haner, Maximillan Kiessel, Cody Lewis, John Mabb, Ryan Marlin, Terrell McArthur, Alexander Muller, Arthur Oliver, Ariel Pellegrino, Berkeley Pirrone, Robert Reinig, Marco Rodriguez, David Shea, Bryan Vandenburgh, James Wilson and Paul Zirpoli. Instructors were Wayne Gearing, Joe Laviano, Bud Godfroy and Mike Stelling.

Mr. Gearing was also the instructor for future fire school instructors during a course entitled the Principals of Instruction. Attendees included: Jon Cesternino, Frank Dingman, Justin Elliott, Dylan Garbarini, Chris Harris, Timothy Lamphear and Nicholas Proper.

Chatham Fire Department hosted an Apparatus Operator Aerial Device class with Joe laviano handling the instructor responsibilities. Graduates were: Douglas Blish, Leonard Blish, Anthony Brahm, Nick Butta, David Chapman, Robert Dallas, Chad Hawver, John Howe, Maryann Laspada, John Meyers, Paul Pratt, Paul Rideout, Andrew Silver, Michael Stelling, Daniel Tubbs, Patrick Wermitt and Douglas Garrison.

Louis Godfroy, Dave Shultis and the Stuyvesant Falls Fire Company organized an Apparatus Operator Emergency Vehicle Training class that was completed by 19 firefighters. They were: Matthew Pirrone, Alan Gearing, Randy Lewis, Phil Mertel, Peter Bashford, Raymond Hutchings, Roddy Neisen, Edward Roose, Shelby Hamilton, Greg Klima, Matthew Roose, Spencer Hotaling,

Frank Dingman, Sr., Arthur McGuire, Joseph VanLeuven, Sr., Edward Scott and Ann Marie Leiser.

Red Rock also hosted a Firefighter Survival course successfully completed by: Jon Cesternino, Ashley Cohn, Timothy Davis, Catherine Donato, Michael Dutcher, Matthew Fischer, Dylan Gabarini, Courtney Haner, Daniel Lamarre, Arthur Oliver, Ariel Pelligrino, Matthew Pirrone, Edward Roose and Brian VanDenburgh.


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