By Dr. Brian Bailey
RCS District Superintendent
As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for our students, staff and visitors, we are exploring the creation of a new Evening Security Officer position. This role will be specifically dedicated to assisting with security coverage during evening events at our high school/middle school campus.
While our two School Resource Officers (SROs) play an essential role in providing security during school hours, we recognize that evening events, such as sports games, performances, and meetings, require additional attention to ensure the safety of all involved. This unarmed security officer will monitor the campus during these events, helping to manage crowd control, addressing any security concerns, and providing a visible security presence.
This new position will not replace our dedicated School Resource Officers, who will continue to serve the district during the school day. Rather, it complements their efforts by focusing on the unique needs of after-hours activities, ensuring that our campuses remain safe and welcoming environments for everyone.
The Evening Security Officer would be trained to meet the requirements of the Security Guard/Officer Licensing for NYS or be an active or retired police officer. We would also seek to have a substitute officer in the event of an absence. We believe this addition will help us further enhance the safety of our community, providing peace of mind to parents, students, and staff as they participate in extracurricular events.
We would like to hear what you think about this possible addition to our staffing. Please visit our website at or see our Letter to Families and Staff sent out Monday, Dec. 2.