News Herald – January 23, 1925 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- The following were elected directors of Hudson River Improvement Association, Incorporated, at the annual meeting on Thursday evening of last week: Edward F.N. Uthe, Ralph B. Wolfe, Andrew A. Ziegler, Frank Ziegler, W. Winne Wolfe, Philip Boehm, Minor Korn, LeRoy D. Sherman, Charles M. Sherman.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Bishop and Mrs. Alice B. Suderly and Mrs. Annie C. Slingerland left today for a month’s stay at Daytona, Florida.
- Mr. and Mrs. Minor Korn entertained a few friends at cards Friday evening of last week.
- The entire eighth grade was successful in their Regent’s examinations in both arithmetic and spelling.
- Clayton Vanderhyden, who has been employed in Albany, has secured a position at the railroad yard office at Selkirk.
- Several farmers in this vicinity filled their ice houses the past week.
- Fire ruined the Lerner building on Main Street early Saturday morning. The fire started about 2:30 a.m. when all was peaceful and quiet. Julius Lerner, who was asleep in the building on the second floor, awakened by the smell of smoke, found the room so full that he had to crawl to a window to escape. He was the sole occupant of the building. He yelled an alarm and Allie Hempstead was the first to his aid. Neighbors came to his assistance and in his pajamas was assisted to the ground.
- The annual donation supper of the Ravena Christian church will take place on Wednesday evening, Feb. 11.
- The freshman class of the high school, accompanied by several members of the faculty, will make merry on a sleighride Friday night.
- Sauerkraut is the main item on the menu for the Sauerkraut supper to be served by the Ladies’ Aid of the Lutheran church in the lecture room of the church at 5 o’clock on Jan. 28. The rest of the menu is mashed potatoes, roast pork, apple sauce, coffee and cake. The general public is cordially invited.
- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Swartz were guests last Sunday at a double wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dunn of Troy.
Coeymans Herald – January 22, 1890 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- The river is still in good condition for navigation, there being no ice. Boats are seen passing this point every day.
- While skating on the mill pond Saturday, Frank Corwin dropped through the ice. After his rescue, an adjournment was taken pending a cold wave.
- Those who have not already paid their taxes will be obliged to pay a fee of five cents on the dollar. The allotted 30 days expired Saturday.
- The Sunday law should be enforced in this place. It would seem that with the several churches and various Christian organizations, flagrant violations of law on the Sabbath should not be condoned.
- A meeting of the Citizen’s Cornet Band will be held at the law office of Barlow & Greene on Thursday evening, Jan. 23. All members are requested to be present.