News Herald – January 16, 1925 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Perry R. Shear has another large chicken house under construction.
- Cornelius Elmendorf spent the weekend with his son-in-law and family Herbert Osterhout of Coeymans Hollow.
- The annual supper given by the men of the Coeymans M.E. church will be held on Thursday evening, Jan. 22. The menu for that event will be as follows: Roast pork with dressing, mashed potatoes, onions, apple sauce, perfection salad, rolls, coffee and squash pie. To enjoy this feast of good things, it is only necessary to have 50 cents.
- Miss Helen Wagoner and Mrs. Paul Van Slyke have been visiting their brother, Chas. Wagoner, and family this past week.
- The Women’s Auxiliary of the Coeymans Fire Department will hold a baked food sale in the firehouse Friday, Jan. 16, at 3:30 p.m. No orders will be solicited and none will be filled before 3:30.
- A card party is being planned for February to be held in the Junior Order Hall.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.F. Tompkins were presented with a radio for their anniversary gift from the family.
- Miss Margaret McCulloch celebrated her birthday by entertaining a number of friends at her home on Thursday.
- The Park Hotel was closed on Tuesday night. Mr. Jacob Kaplan, who purchased the property of Maxwell Karch and Samuel Kauffman last fall, was unable to keep the business going in sufficient proportion to meet his obligations. The building has been taken over by L.E. Ragan of Millerton, who holds the mortgage on the same.
- Russell Lodge, No. 850, F. & A.M. received and entertained the district lodge officer after the very excellent deputy on Monday evening. An interesting address was given by the report of the condition of the grand lodge after the very excellent report made by the new Master A. VanHoesen. Selections by a male quartet and violin and piano selections by Dr. Muller and son, were enjoyed and refreshments were served at the close of the lodge.
- William Pebler Sr. was taken to the Albany hospital early Sunday morning for an operation for the removal of his appendix. The operation was successful but he is still seriously ill.
Coeymans Herald – January 15, 1890 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- Fresh country eggs now sell in lots of 12 for a cent and a quarter.
- Geo. W. Sickles has commenced making trips to and from Albany with his team, hauling freight.
- The next meeting of the Teachers’ Association of the town of Coeymans will be held at Aquetuck, Jan. 25.
- The town of Coeymans was formed March 18, 1791. It is right and proper that steps should now be taken preparatory to having a grand centennial jubilee in 1891.
- Pay up your taxes on or before Saturday of this week, or you won’t get the benefit of that 1% reduction.