News Herald – January 2, 1925 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Many of the shut-ins of our village were visited by Christmas carol singers on Christmas Eve.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sinsabaugh of Albany spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCarty.
- The Young Women’s Service League will hold a food sale in the chapel of the Reformed church at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon, Jan. 9. Good things to eat will be on sale.
- Harry Van Heusen and wife entertained at Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Heusen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reid of Ravena, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Heusen and daughter Ruth, and Mrs. Katherine Van Heusen of Aquetuck.
- It is reported that petty thievery in Coeymans has reached the point where clothes are disappearing from clothes lines and many chicken houses are being robbed.
- Mrs. William Beck and daughter Ethel called on Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vincent of South Alcove on Christmas Day.
- The Ravena Ice Co. began Monday to harvest the first crop of ice this year on its pond at the western end of the village.
- On account of work on the floors of the schoolhouse, the public library will not be open at all this week. It will be open according to the regular schedule next week.
- The members of Ravena Grange enjoyed a chicken supper on Monday evening. The feast preceded the annual Christmas tree and the regular meeting of the lodge. The event was a very pleasant one and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
- William McCulloch left here Monday to spend the winter in California with relatives.
- Miss Gladys Fuller, who is in training at the Albany hospital, spent the Christmas holiday with her parents.
Coeymans Herald – January 1, 1890 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- Thus far the present winter surpasses all previous ones in regard to mildness. Here it is the 1st of January and the river is open for navigation as in June.
- A petition to the superintendent of roads for the removal of the mound that obstructs Main Street is receiving signatures of nearly all the taxpaying residents of the district.
- Taxable people of School Dist. No. 1 who have not paid their school tax will confer a favor on the collector by stepping into the drug store and paying the same at once.
- The annual meeting of the Workingmen’s Protective Union was held in their hall last evening and the following officers were elected: President, J.B. Holmes; Vice President, Henry Rowland; Secretary, W.B. Holmes; Treasurer, T.C. Slingerland; Trustees, A.S. Vanderzee, Alonzo Southard and S.H. Sherman. The sick benefit was limited to 104 weeks. The association has a balance on hand of $5,536.09.