GNH Lumber & Home Legacy of the Catskills

News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – December 19, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • Conrad F. Suderley, Jr., leading businessman of Coeymans and Ravena for more than a quarter of a century, died suddenly at his home in Coeymans last Friday night. Since coming to Coeymans in 1887, Mr. Suderley had taken an active part in all business, social and church affairs of Coeymans and Ravena, and his advice and support will be greatly missed in both villages. He had been president of the First National Bank of Ravena since its organization in 1909.
  • Many members of Onesquethau Lodge attended the 50th anniversary celebration of Social Friendship Lodge at New Baltimore last Friday evening.
  • A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Pierce on Dec. 1 and has been named Veronica Marie.
  • The services at the Reformed church this Sunday will be in celebration of Christmas, and there will be special music at both morning and evening meetings.
  • Guests at a birthday party to honor Arthur Haggerty at his home Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagoner, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Coddington.


  • Will Beck, Ravena fur dealer, was robbed of $1,500 worth of pelts last Saturday night. No trace of the thieves has yet been found, though troopers are working on fingerprint clues.
  • Mrs. George White, Jr., of Bay Shore, L.I. and Miss Orie Powell, who teaches at Baldwin, L.I., expect to spend the Christmas vacation here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Powell.
  • All graduates of Ravena High School are requested to be present at a meeting to be held at the school on Monday evening, Dec. 22, for the purpose of reorganizing the Alumni Association and planning for the alumni dance on Dec. 26.
  • Twenty-six members of the DeFriest family will gather at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Boughton for Christmas dinner.
  • The public library will not be open during Christmas week and only on Friday night of the following week.

Coeymans Herald – December 18, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • J.E. Gibbons and J.C. Hazelton have each put up a streetlight. Let the illumination continue.
  • Sleighs are as frequently seen on the street as wheeled vehicles, and the roads are in about as good condition for one as the other.
  • A.S. Vanderzee spent Sunday with Mr. C.F. Suderley and family of Saugerties, a former classmate and father of our esteemed fellow townsman, Mr. C.F. Suderley, Jr.
  • The furnishers are at work laying carpet, putting in furniture and chandelier in the new K. of P.  Hall, in the Willis Building. The order is going to have rooms to be proud of.
  • The trustees, lot owners and all persons interested in the welfare of Grove Cemetery are requested to meet at J.B. Holmes & Sons on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 19, at 2. p.m.
  • Residents and property holders on Main Street desire the removal of the mound fronting the Civill property. It certainly is a black eye to the principal thoroughfare of the village.
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