GNH Lumber & Home Legacy of the Catskills

News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – December 12, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • The receipts of the card party held Nov. 24 under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Coeymans Hose Company were $29.26.
  • One of the Uneeda Biscuit Co.’s trucks skidded off the concrete while attempting to make Church Street hill at Dave Perry’s corner early Saturday morning. It was hauled out and towed up the hill a few hours later by another of the company’s trucks.
  • At the last meeting of the young Women’s Service League held at Miss Charlotte Brower’s home, the annual Christmas box was packed and shipped to Mrs. Roe and her assistants. Roe is at Colony, Oklahoma, working among the Indians. Also, the Missionary Society of the Reformed church have sent their annual Christmas box to Annville, Kentucky.
  • Two new 100-foot stacks were successfully raised and set in the place on the Roah Hook Brick Co.’s engine house under the supervision of Justin L. Bishop. There has also been a new Coatesville boiler installed to supply the added steam needed to run the new dryer, which is near completion.
  • At the close of the regular meeting of Coeymans Chapter No. 464 on Dec. 2, a 500 party was enjoyed by members and friends. First prize for ladies was won by Mrs. Fred Southard and for men by Clare Robbins. Ladies’ second prize went to Mrs. Sydney Robbins.


  • Mrs. C.D. Hawn attended a meeting of the executive committee of the Albany County W.C.T.U. in Albany, Wednesday.
  • Rev. and Mrs. W.E. Baker and their children are recovering from attacks of the grippe, which confined them to their home for several days.
  • The Alumni Association of the Ravena High School will hold an invitation dance in the auditorium of the school on Friday evening, Dec. 26.
  • The annual communication of Russell Lodge, No. 850, F. & A.M. was held on Monday evening and the reports of the officers and the usual business of the annual session took place. The officers chosen at this meeting were as follows: Master Arthur Van Hoesen; Senior Warden, S.S. Rice; Junior Warden, E.J. Hummer; Secretary, William V. Roberts; Treasurer, G.W. Babcock; Trustee, C.H. Hummer.
  • The dance given on Friday evening by the Ravena-Coeymans Baseball Association was a very pleasant affair. The crowd was not a record breaker, by those attending had a fine time. The inclement weather and the other big events of the evening prevented many others from attending.

Coeymans Herald – December 11, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • A new stoop and steps have been built in front of VanDyke’s harness shop.
  • The horses have arrived for the several Knickerbocker ice houses in this section.
  • Invitations have been issued for a Christmas ball to be held at Pulver Hall, Wednesday evening, Dec. 25.
  • J.E. Stanton has had a barn erected on his lot on Turnpike Boulevard which will also be used as a workshop during the construction of his large carriage, sleigh and agricultural repository.
  • It will be a great relief to the taxpayers of this town to note the decrease in the rate of taxation for the current year.
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