News Herald – December 5, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Since our railroad whistle has been stilled, our citizens listen for the brickyard whistle to keep their clocks on the right time.
- A daughter was born to Mrs. W.J.A. Graham, wife of principal of the high school here, in the Ilion hospital on Wednesday last week.
- The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Coeymans Fire Department will hold their monthly meeting in the firehouse on Monday evening, Dec. 8. A report will be made at this time of the receipts from the card party which was recently held.
- The light fall of snow last Saturday gave the youngsters an opportunity to try out their sleds and the Westerlo Street hill rang with merry laughter of the sleigh riders. Great caution should be used by those who ride on the hill as there is much automobile traffic on this street as well as Main Street which crosses it.
- Senator C.H. Baumes and wife, of Newburgh, were guests of Mrs. Baumes’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.A. TenEyck on Thanksgiving Day. The many friends of Mr. Baumes are glad to know of his re-election as senator on the Republican ticket and all agree they have “the right man in the right place.”
- The Ravena Public Library has recently been enlarged to the extent of 57 additional books, four of which are new books purchased by the committee, two are the gift of Dr. H.F. Muller Jr., and the remaining 51 were given by Miss Mildred Boughton and her brother, Clifford Boughton.
- Miss Edith Swartout, who teaches in Babylon, L.I., was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Swartout, during the Thanksgiving recess.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rosa, who have been living near Kingston for some time, are moving back to Ravena and will live in the house on Central Avenue owned by John Bush.
- The food sale under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Christian church will be held in the water company’s office on the afternoon of December 13, from 3 to 5 o’clock.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.L. VanWie of Elsmere, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Albright of Athens, and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Van Heusen and family of Coeymans, enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. VanHeusen.
Coeymans Herald – December 3, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- It is said that Mr. John Ziegler will build an icehouse on his farm property.
- The thermometer this morning registered 6 above zero and the river is full of floating ice.
- During the heavy storm on Thursday, Mr. L.A. Carhart’s basement was flooded to the depth of nearly 18 inches.
- The timber has arrived for Mr. J.A. Brower’s new residence, and the carpenters have commenced work.
- Mr. Wm. Seabridge lost the end of his right-hand index finger one day recently by having it caught in a tackle block. He is also suffering from an abscess on the back of his neck.