News Herald – November 28, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Major headline in this issue: “Indian Fields Loses Grange Hall In A Midnight Fire,” followed by S. Davenport, Eighty-years old, Makes Daring Attempt to Save Grange Flag. Ravena Fire Truck Responds to Call for Help and Saves Spread of Fire to Other Buildings.
- Edward F.N. Uthe has had the fence removed from the front of his residence on Church Street and an ornamental hedge has been set out.
- The Rev. H.T. Jones, pastor of the Reformed church, preached a Thanksgiving sermon in the Methodist Episcopal church last Sunday morning at a union service.
- Robert Gallup, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Gallup, who has been in military service for the last four years, returned Tuesday from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he was stationed. At the time of his discharge, he had attained the rank of sergeant.
- Work has been started on the construction of a new sidewalk on the east sided of Main Street and a portion of the north side of Westerlo Street near P.H. Smith’s grocery store. When completed, it will bring the walk nearly level with the concrete road in that vicinity.
- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith in the Albany Hospital on Saturday night last.
- Miss Orrie E. Powell, who teaches at Baldwin, L.I., will spend the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Powell of this village.
- Raymond Houck, formerly of this place but who has been living in Hornell for several years, has a position in the Selkirk railroad yards and will move his family here soon.
- Prin. and Mrs. N.E. Stapleton of this village motored to Syracuse Friday to attend the Syracuse-Colgate football game Saturday. Prof. Stapleton is a graduate of Colgate. Miss Frances Holmes, another member of the school faculty and a Syracuse graduate, also attended the game.
- Mrs. John Siler of Syracuse, formerly of this village, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Brougham the latter part of last week, having come were to attend the wedding of her son, Melvin A. Siler, and Miss Blanche Ozell.
Coeymans Herald – November 27, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- Fuller’s driver is at work repairing the west dyke above Baeren Island.
- Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the Reformed church tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.
- The display of toys in store windows is evidence of the near approach of Christmas and arrival of Santa Claus.
- Owing to the bad condition of the roads caused by the excessive rains, farmers are not hauling much produce to market.
- Pulver’s steam yacht Emily was taken from her moorings here on Wednesday last to Albany where she will go into winter quarters.
- Funny what a habit some wood piles have of strolling away piecemeal these dark nights and never being heard from afterwards.