News Herald – November 7, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- The proposition to raise $800 by levied taxation against the taxable property in the Coeymans Fire Department in 1925 for the purpose of paying off notes against the new building and equipment, was voted without opposition at the meeting held for that purpose in the meeting room of the firehouse on Monday evening.
- The Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire Department should be highly complimented for the successful manner to which they took charge of the furnishing of dinner and supper in the firehouse on Election Day. The people of the village gave them their support and, as a result, nearly $170 was raised.
- The radio again has proven its usefulness by the manner in which the election returns were received in a great many homes throughout this town as well as throughout the nation. It was only a few years ago when in order to get the returns, meager ones at that, it was necessary for a community to have a leased wire from the telegraph company or go to a neighboring city or village and stand around a bulletin board until late in the evening or until the paper of the following day gave the information.
- Members of the Coeymans Book Club who have their books for 1924-25 are requested to forward their books by Nov. 15 and the 15th and 30th of each month thereafter. All old books should be forwarded as soon as read. Members should not keep a book longer than two weeks.
- The daughter who was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Amedio last week has been named Angeline.
- The Election Day dinner and supper served by the W.C.T.U. was a fine success though the proceeds have not yet been figured out. The ladies served about 155 persons at the two meals.
- Halloween was celebrated by the younger element of the community, some appropriately, others maliciously. Some little folks dolled up in clothes not their own and paraded the streets and called on friends and neighbors. Mischievous lads soaped most of the windows on Main Street, and a goodly number of those in the homes of the people.
- A roast pork dinner will be given in the Methodist church on Wednesday, Nov. 19, under the auspices of the Ravena Grange No. 1457, P. of H.
- A meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Bishop Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock to plan the annual Red Cross roll call. All who have interest in the work are invited to be present.
Coeymans Herald – November 6, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- An exchange says you can use a postage stamp twice. The first time it will cost you two cents and the second time $50.
- A.S. Vanderzee has purchased the property of Miss. M.C. Lawton on Main Street, occupied for many years by Hull & Co., merchants. Mr. Vanderzee has already made repairs on the building and will likely make other needed improvements in the near future.
- A harvest home entertainment for the benefit of the Loyal Temperance Legion will be held in the M.E. church of this village on Friday evening, Nov. 8, commencing at 7 o’clock. Admission 10 cents.