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News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – October 31, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • William H. VanHoesen caught a four-pound pickerel while fishing in the reservoir at Alcove, Monday afternoon.
  • The Ladies Auxiliary of the Coeymans Fire Department are to serve dinner and supper in the firehouse on Election Day.
  • A number of automobiles passing through this village had a deer fastened to the running board. The hunting season is now on, and it is said game is plentiful.
  • An automatic brick-making machine of the latest type weighing over 14 tons was unloaded from a car at the freight house the forepart of the week and transferred by truck to the Roah Hook Brick Company’s plant where it will be installed.
  • A tile drain has been laid on the east side of Main Street in front of P.H. Smith’s grocery store and an open grating has been put above it to take the surface water from the state road.


  • William Pemberton is building a garage on the rear of his Central Avenue property. Besides shelter for the buses, it will also be used as a repair shop.
  • Assistant Librarian Maurice McKay has announced a change in library hours for Friday evenings. Until further notice, it will be open from 7:30 to 8:30 instead of 7 to 8 o’clock. The library is also open to the public on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 5 o’clock.
  • At the meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society at the home of Mrs. E.C. Looney Friday afternoon, the following officers were elected: president, Mrs. R.S. Gedney; vice-president, Mrs. Frederick Stahl; chaplain, Mrs. Geo. VanNatten; secretary, Miss Ada VanAlstyne; treasurer, Mrs. E.C. Looney.
  • Parents and citizens are warned against the careless burning of leaves or starting bonfires of any kind. Twenty-two days without rain means that buildings and everything of a combustible nature is very dry and a big fire might result from a little carelessness. Children especially should be cautioned against starting fires.
  • The W.C.T.U. will welcome the public to its annual dinner and supper in Odd Fellows Hall Election Day, Nov. 4. Dinner will be served at noon and supper at 5:30.

Coeymans Herald – October 30, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • Cranberries sell two quarts for a quarter. Oranges at 3cts. each.
  • J.N. Briggs has a contract for erecting two ice elevators at Syracuse.
  • Strange that a Y.M.C.A. has not been formed here. It could be productive of much good result.
  • It is reported that the congregation of St. Patrick’s Church is considering building a new church edifice, more centrally located.
  • Lightkeeper Bailey is experimenting with a new government light to be used in the fall and spring. It is calculated to burn eight days and nights without receiving attention.
  • Wonder why the unfinished part of the walk between the village and the Junction is not completed! It is nearly a year since the job was commenced.
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