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News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – August 1, 1924 – F. E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • Principal Charles M. Slocum and Mrs. Slocum have rented the Andrew Ziegler house and will take possession, Sept. 1, 1924.
  • The concrete road has ben laid in Main Street between Westerlo and Church streets, and the road is now closed for traffic.
  • Sunday afternoon, while a tow of canal boats was passing by this village, a woman fell from one of the boats into the river. The tow was stopped, and the woman was rescued by men off the boats with the aid of a new boat.
  • A stray dog chased a cat into a cherry tree in Fletcher Sutton’s yard one night recently and got so excited in its efforts to get the cat that it tore the tree for several feet above the ground. Mr. Sutton is endeavoring to save the life of the tree by giving it a coat of paint and binding it with cloths.
  • At the annual meeting of the inhabitants of Union Free School District 1, Coeymans, qualified to vote at school meetings in said district, will be held at the high school building in said district on Tuesday, Aug. 5, 1924, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of electing two members of the board of education to succeed Harry R. Harris and S. Henry Sherman, whose terms of office will expire July 31, 1924.


  • John TenEyck spent a few days at Morrisville this week.
  • Miss Elizabeth Bailey is spending her vacation at Ocean Grove with relatives.
  • Mrs. Fred H. Roberts and daughter Ruth will spend the weekend with her daughter at Esophus.
  • The Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. C.D. Hawn on Wednesday afternoon of next week. Mrs. Howard Hawn will assist in entertaining.
  • The rite of baptism was given to 10 young people on Saturday evening last by Rev. W.E. Baker, pastor of the Christian Church. The ceremonies took place in the Hannacroix Creek near New Baltimore Station bridge. The relatives of the young people baptized and a few members of the church attended the service, which was very impressively conducted.

Coeymans Herald – July 31, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • Pulver’s steam yacht Emily is being repainted.
  • Sutton & Suderley are now working the brick yard formerly worked by H. Sutton & Son.
  • The Western Union has placed a private wire in J.N. Briggs’ office for the transaction of his business.
  • The moonlight excursion of Lime Kiln Club No. 2, last Thursday night was well attended. They went down the river as far as Coxsackie where supper was had at the Cummings Hotel, and dancing indulged in at the Dolan Opera House.
  • Sportsmen and hunters are reminded that the time for game is near at hand. The law permits the shooting of partridges and woodcocks from the first of August to the first of January. Squirrels from the first of August to the first of February, and the killing of deer from the 15th of August to the first of November.
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