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News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald –February 29, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • R. Pape has purchased the VanDerzee tenant house in the rear of Van Heusen and Smith’s grocery store.
  • Powell & Minnock are harvesting a fine quality of 12-inch ice from the river. They have their icehouse more than one quarter filled.
  • E.C. Elmendorf had a bone broken in his left wrist while working on the runs at the Powell & Minnock icehouse the latter part of last week.
  • Announcement was made this week of the marriage of Miss Esther McCarty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCarty, and Vernon V. Ostrander. The ceremony was performed in New York on Sept. 4, but the news was kept secret by the young people until this week.
  • Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Giddings celebrated their golden anniversary on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Giddings were married in the village 50 years ago and have lived here ever since. Their daughters, L. Ammenheuser and Mrs. Gay Williams, of Albany, passed the day with them.


  • Shirley, the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Baldwin, was taken to the hospital on Sunday to be operated on for appendicitis.
  • An entertainment and dance will be given in Community Hall on Friday evening, March 7, for the benefit of Elle C. Perry Chapter No. 461 O.E.S. Tickets are on sale for 35 cents each.
  • The groundhog, commonly known as the woodchuck, is out and has been enjoying himself. This fellow was seen on the Schoonmaker farm near Coxsackie on Tuesday morning by Thurston Millett and Myron Hill while at work on the railroad.
  • Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Hallenbeck entertained a party of little folks on Friday afternoon last in honor of their daughter, Rosemary. The children enjoyed games and refreshments and presented gifts to their friend in remembrance of her birthday. Those present were Alma Hazelton, Ida Rockefeller, Elizabeth Whitbeck, Ruth Bleezarde, Eleanor Armstrong, Francis Millett, Alberta Powell and Ellen Jackson.
  • A variety shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Roberts on Thursday evening last for Miss Mae Roberts. Miss Roberts was the recipient of a large number of very useful articles. Miss Roberts will become the bride of the Rev. Herbert M. Kincaid on March 9.

Coeymans Herald –February 27, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • Quite a number of horses have been drowned during the ice harvest this winter.
  • The person who kills a squirrel between Feb. 1 and Aug. 1 is liable to a penalty of $25.
  • Capt. D.C. Bull fell through the ice in the river Saturday, and had a very narrow escape from drowning.
  • It is said that counterfeit quarters are being circulated quite freely of late. Look out for them. 1887 is said to be a favorite date with the counterfeiters.
  • A party of about 20 young people held a surprise party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swarthout Friday evening. A very enjoyable time was had.
  • As the ladies of the M.E. church have arranged to hold their fair on March 14 and 15, they wish all those who are to contribute to send their articles to Mrs. J.B. Holmes, president of the society, on or before March 6.
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