GNH Lumber & Home Legacy of the Catskills

News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – February 22, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • Powell & Minnock are preparing to harvest ice from the river at their icehouse. The ice is over 10 inches in thickness. No ice has been harvested at this point so far this winter.
  • Miss Barbara Baker, 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, had a narrow escape from a serious accident one day last week while coasting near her home. Her sleigh ran into a house and her leg was quite badly bruised. Fortunately, no bones were broken.
  • Mr. and Mrs. John H. Suderley gave a party in honor of the 10th birthday of their daughter Ann on Wednesday afternoon. In spite of the stormy weather, a number of her young friends gathered and enjoyed a very pleasant time playing games. Delicious refreshments were served.
  • The worst snowstorm of the season visited this section on Tuesday night and snow continued to fall until late in the afternoon Wednesday. About eight inches of snow fell. Auto trucks had considerable trouble to make hills, owing to the depth of the snow, but in the afternoon, the five-ton caterpillar tractor, one of the new ones purchased from the $50,000 snow removal fund appropriated by the board of supervisors for keeping clear of snow the 203 miles of state and county highways in Albany County, came through and opened up the state road.


  • The regular meeting of LeRoy M. Whipple Council, No. 96, D. of A. will be held this Friday evening at 8 o’clock.
  • District convention of O.E.S. will be held in the Masonic temple, Schenectady, Wednesday, Feb. 27. All members are urged to attend.
  • The village election takes place on the third Tuesday in March, the 21st. The caucus for the nomination is being held as this paper goes into the mail.
  • The second ice secured from the pond of the Ravena Lumber Company was started on Tuesday. The snow at night postponed further operations until yesterday when the snow was scraped off.
  • The Loyal Daughters Sunday School class of the Christian church will hold a food sale this Saturday at Babcock’s store at 2:30. Cake and pie will be on sale, also baked beans by the pound.

Coeymans Herald – February 20, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • Mr. and Mrs. William Seabridge will attend the inaugural of President Harrison.
  • The Rev. A.E. Lord, of South Bethlehem, will occupy the pulpit of the M.E. church in this place Sabbath morning.
  • Freighter Henry Slingerland has all his large storehouses filled and has commenced stacking baled hay and straw on the brickyard lot.
  • While drawing material from the Ziegler Island house in Baeren Island, a team belonging to the K.I. Co. broke through the ice, and one of the horses drowned.
  • On account of the storm Monday, the icemen had to suspend work and a general  “soup day” was had. Several “up-land seamen” engaged in altercations with one another, and as a result, several eyes are still wearing mourning badges.
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