News Herald – January 18, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Mrs. W. Winne Wolfe and daughter Susan B. Wolfe have returned from the Brady Maternity Hospital in Albany.
- The heavy rains of the past week caused quite a freshet in the river, and the water in the Coeymans Creek was higher than that of the past several years.
- Miss Alice May VanWormer, daughter of David VanWormer of Rensselaer and George Tracy Mudge of this village, were married in Rensselaer on Saturday evening by the Rev. Richards, pastor of the Church of the Messiah. Mr. and Mrs. Mudge will reside in this village.
- The following have been elected officers of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School for the coming year: Mrs. Charles M. Sherman, superintendent; Mrs. S.M. Cole and Mrs. B.A. TenEyck, assistant superintendents; Mrs. Francis Friday, missionary treasurer; Miss Henrietta Hazleton, secretary; Mrs. W.L. Norish, assistant secretary; Mrs. Fred Hazelton and Mrs. Arthur Hagerty, pianists; and Claude Friday, librarian. Mrs. M. Hollingshead was appointed superintendent of the home department.
- The Tuesday Study Club met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sherman on Tuesday evening.
Miss Louise Bodden gave a very interesting talk on the life and works of Walter Scott, and Mrs. Harry L. VanHeusen gave an interesting paper on the novels of Scott. Stereopticon slides showing Scott’s home and its surroundings as well as some illustrating the “Lady of the Lake” were shown by B.E. McKay. Refreshments were afterwards served and a social hour enjoyed.
- Miss Elizabeth Sherman has been engaged by the Ravena Lumber Co., as stenographer and bookkeeper.
- The chicken supper to be served by the ladies of the Christian church will take place tonight. The first table to be ready at 5:30. The price is 60c per plate.
- Instead of a new car, Fred H. Roberts is driving his old car, which has been made like new. A change of color and a complete overhaul gave his Studebaker sedan the appearance of a new product.
- The dance event of the season, according to preparations and announcement, will be the Mardi Gras carnival to take place in Community Hall on Wednesday next. King Jazz will furnish the music.
- An exceptionally interesting meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held at the home of the president, Mrs. C.D. Hawn, on Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Foster of Albany gave an interesting talk on the work of the organization. Thirty members were present. Three new members were received, which makes the total membership 72. A social hour followed the meeting with tea, and Mrs. A.H. Fuller and Miss Alice Fuller rendered vocal selections, accompanied by Mrs. Ernest Christian and Miss Libbie Slater.
Coeymans Herald – January 18, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- The sidewalks have been quite icy the past few days so that traveling on them, in some places, was quite difficult, if not dangerous.
- Postmaster Powell’s face is now wreathed in smiles. It is a boy, and tipped the beam at 10 pounds.
- Horsemen say that the breakage of whips in winter is greater than in summer. Whalebone whips become brittle in frosty weather and break easily.