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News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – December 28, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • The choir of the Reformed church visited the shut-ins on Monday evening and sang Christmas carols.
  • A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Winne Wolfe at the Brady Maternity Hospital in Albany on Saturday, Dec. 22.
  • Special Christmas music was rendered in both the Methodist and Reformed churches on Sunday, and the pastors of each church had sermons relative to the Christmas theme.
  • Remember the dance to be given in Junior Order Hall on New Year’s Eve under the auspices of Hudson River Council, No. 47, Jr. O.U.A.M. An enjoyable time is assured for all who attend.
  • The prospects for the harvesting of ice from the river at this writing are not very promising. There is no snow nor scarcely any frost on the ground. Even the artificial ponds are not frozen over yet.
  • Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Carhart and daughters, Miss Bernice and Miss Beth Carhart of Schuylerville, passed the Christmas vacation at the homestead here.


  • Dr. and Mrs. W.B. Sabey spent Christmas with their daughter in Bogata, NJ.
  • Nicholas Seeberger of Albany spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seeberger, on Pulver Avenue.
  • Mr. and Mrs. H.S. McCulloch entertained at Christmas dinner on Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caswell and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Mosher Roberts of Coeymans Hollow and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shufelt and son of Rensselaerville were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. V. Roberts.
  • A Christmas pageant was given in the Christian church on Sunday evening. The birth of Christ and the scenes incident thereto were presented in tableau, and the Christmas carols appropriate to each scene were sung by the church choir, the junior choir, and Mrs. Paul Court, soloist. The committee in charge included Mrs. Judson Whitbeck, Mrs. C. Shear, Mrs. E.J. Zeller. The young people presenting the tableaux gave a creditable presentation of the scenes.

Coeymans Herald – December 26, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • Mr. A.T. Civill is home from Boston for the holiday season.
  • The Misses Alice and Anna Clinton of Aquetuck are spending the holidays in New York.
  • There will be a total eclipse of the sun on Jan. 1. It will be a partial eclipse as seen from here just past sunset.
  • The skating is pretty fair beyond the dikes, and many old timers glided over the glassy surface, yesterday, on steel runners.
  • L.R. Carhart returned from the West in time to participate in the Christmas cheer. He has been introducing Briggs’ corrugating ice planes to the harvesters north, east and west.
  • The Workingmen’s Protective Union has paid to the beneficiary of John Baime $265, being the amount collected on said death assessment.
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