News Herald – October 12, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Emerson Giddings and Herman Diehl have each installed pipeless heaters in their homes.
- There will be a Halloween supper in the Reformed Church chapel on Wednesday, Oct. 31. Entertainment will also be given the same evening.
- Mrs. Carrie Hazelton, Worthy Matron of Coeymans Chapter, No. 464, Order of the Eastern Star, and Mrs. Annie L. Harris, a Past Matron, attended the annual session of the grand chapter, which was held in New York this week.
- All grade rooms and high school rooms are being wired for electric lights and an electric bell system is being installed in the Coeymans High School. Ralph Wolfe is doing the work.
- Dr. H. VanWoert brought a couple of fine peanut plants, which the doctor has raised in his garden. The peanuts were of unusually fine size, but they were not all mature.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collins are rejoicing over an eight-pound boy, “Harold Winchell Collins.”
- David Grogan and F.E. Bleezarde have purchased the Grammar School building of Storm Roberts, and the building is now being dismantled. The building will be dismantled under the direction of Jacob Whitbeck, who has taken the contract to raze the same.
- William E. McCulloch announces the marriage of his daughter, Ruth Emma, to Arthur Caswell on Oct. 10. The ceremony was performed at the Christian Church parsonage by the Rev. W.E. Baker. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Joralemon. After the ceremony, they left for Auburn where they will visit relatives. Both young people are well known in this section, having been born and always lived here.
- The Butler property on Mink Street is being greatly improved by the erection of a fine double porch.
Coeymans Herald –October 10, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- Bread is now 6 cents a loaf.
- Cider is now being shipped in large quantities.
- The bakers’ union say that they will be obliged to again advance the price of bread.
- It is predicted that flour will advance to $10 per barrel. We hope it may prove otherwise.
- About the only thing the market is glutted with at present is grapes. They are large, luscious, and cheap.
- Indian Fields is to have a pole raising and barbecue Saturday p.m. There will be addresses by eminent speakers in the evening.
- The 1st assembly Democratic convention held at the Junction last Saturday nominated Jervis L. Miller of Indian Fields as their candidate.
- Work on the Colvin vault has been suspended until next spring, it being impossible to obtain the granite in time to complete the work this fall.