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News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges

In memory of Harry A. Sturges

News Herald – September 7, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher


  • The special meeting of the Coeymans Hose Company held at the hose house on Monday evening was an opportunity for the discussion of several important subjects, and committees were appointed to investigate and secure data on new equipment, a fire truck and a new building. The committee appointed to secure prices and information on new equipment consisted of S.L. and Clare Robbins.
  • A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mayone.
  • Robbins Bros. are reconstructing the bridge east of their furniture store that goes from Westerlo Street over the creek to their property on the opposite side.
  • There were 164 boys and 165 girls residing in school district No. 1 between the age of 5 and 18 years on Aug. 30, according to the school census. Last year there were 156 boys and 163 girls.
  • Two bids for the construction of the concrete road from the top of the brick yard hill over the new concrete bridge have been received by the highway department, and all users of this highway are hoping for an early start on the work of constructing the same.


  • Communications will be resumed at Russell Lodge, No. 850, F. & A.M., on Monday evening next. A smoker will be enjoyed after the lodge session.
  • Mr. and Mrs. William Benn returned to Ravena last Saturday, from camping and will again take up their residence in this village in the Chris. Seeberger residence on Dempster Street.
  • The W.C.T.U. will hold their next regular meeting at the home of Mrs. C.D. Hawn. The election of officers will take place and all members are urged to attend, and also to bear in mind the county convention which will be held in Watervliet Sept. 17 and 18.
  • The members of Frank Christian’s Sunday School of the Methodist church will hold a supper in the church dining room on Wednesday, Sept. 12. The menu will be as follows: roast beef, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, sliced tomatoes, cabbage salad, coffee, rolls, baked bean and beet pickles. Tickets are 50c each.
  • The annual picnic of Royal Blue Rebekah Lodge No. 437, will be held in Hotaling’s Grove, South Bethlehem, on Saturday, Sept. 8. If the day is stormy, the festivities will be held in Old Fellows temple.

Coeymans Herald – September 5, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors

  • You may now shoot at any gray squirrels, if you can find any. It is now lawful to shoot quail, partridges, wild ducks, etc.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Holmes, Mrs. Warren B. Holmes and Mrs. S. Gedney visited Round Lake last week.
  • The public school opens Monday next with J.H. Callanan as principal. The primary teachers are not yet announced.
  • The Prohibitionists will pitch their tent on the old brick yard lot just north of this village and hold meetings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week.
  • The West Shore is selling tickets to Buffalo during the period of the International Fair, Sept. 3 to 14, at one half the regular rates of fare from all stations. Excursion tickets available for return passage to and including Sept. 15.
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