News Herald – August 24, 1923 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- The high school will open on Sept. 4.
- Mrs. Sarah Wolfe’s residence on Colvin Avenue is being painted.
- The Reformed Church fair will be hold on Nov. 22.
- A daughter was born to Mrs. Fred Swartout in the Brady Maternity Hospital at Albany, Aug. 16.
- The district deputy of the Albany district will make his official visit to Onesquethau Lodge, No. 804, F. & A.M. on Monday evening, Sept.17.
- A tile drain has been laid along the state road near J.H. Suderley’s residence, and the sidewalk in front of G.H. Shear’s residence has been relaid, which makes a great improvement in that locality.
- The Ladies Aid Society of the Reformed Church will begin their sewing Sept. 6, at 2 o’clock. A food sale will be held in connection with the sewing.
- Swartz’s Bargain store is making cuts in several lines of their goods to prepare for their winter lines.
- Dr. R. VanWoert writes that he is “up in the wilds having a great time.” The doctor is at Osborn Inn, Speculator, in the Adirondacks Mountains.
- The Board of Education met in the old school last week and organized for the coming year. W. Blenis was again chosen president and W.J. Boughton, secretary. C.D. Hawn was appointed treasurer and William V. Roberts, collector.
- Miss Mary Lewella Mackey, for several years a member of the faculty of the local high school, will be united in marriage to Edwin Rockwell in the Christian Church at Newfield, NY, on Sept. 8. Miss Mackey is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Lester C. Mackey.
- A meeting of the general committee for the clam bake of the Ravena Grange will be held at the home of the secretary on Friday evening. All members are requested to be present at 9 o’clock advanced time.
Coeymans Herald – August 22, 1888 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- Meeting of the W.C.T.U. in the M.E. Church this Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
- A.J. Wolfe is laying a sewer through the main avenue running through his tier of building lots.
- The West Shore R.R. Co. is putting in a new engine and boiler in their pumping station at this place.
- The hay and oats harvest in this neighborhood is finished, and plowing for winter grain has commenced.
- A new counterfeit $1 silver certificate has made its appearance. It is well executed, except that the vignette is blurred.
- The fire company had their engine out Thursday afternoon, throwing a stream through an improved nozzle, which they just received. It worked very satisfactorily.
- Spars have been placed in the Lotta and will be rodded, which will add greatly to the strength of the hull. They also improve the appearance of the vessel.