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National Bank of Coxsackie donates $2,500 to support Justice For Orphans

The National Bank of Coxsackie recently made a donation to the Ravena-based organization Justice For Orphans to aid the group in carrying out its mission. Pictured, left to right, are Kathi Sewak, regional Manager of the CarePortal through Justice for Orphans; Sandra Flach, executive director of Justice for Orphans; Mark Maraglio, senior vice president of National Bank of Coxsackie; and Glenda Cukierski, Ravena branch manager for National Bank of Coxsackie. Contributed photo

COXSACKIEThe National Bank of Coxsackie has partnered with Justice For Orphans and donated $2,500 towards the organization’s CarePortal for Greene County.

Justice For Orphans is a local non-profit organization that assists families in crisis through adoption, foster and kinship care support resources.

In 2018, Justice For Orphans implemented the CarePortal, a technology platform connecting local child welfare agencies with the faith community. Through CarePortal, churches and other community members can help local children in crisis.

Over the past three years, more than 2,000 children have been served throughout Albany and Schenectady counties. Last year, Child Protective Services received over 1,000 calls — these are the children served through the CarePortal.

The end goal of Justice For Orphans is to have CarePortal access implemented in 11 Capital Region counties, with Rensselaer County access coming this spring. However, it takes the support of churches and local businesses like the National Bank of Coxsackie. More collaboration means more families and children helped.

Justice For Orphans co-founder Sandra Flach said the funding will go a long way towards improving the CarePortal.

“We are grateful to the National Bank of Coxsackie for sponsoring the CarePortal in Greene County,” Flach said. “Their investment will help change the lives of children by stabilizing families, improving their well-being, and preventing them from entering foster care. CarePortal sponsorship is an opportunity for businesses and churches to make a life changing difference in their community.”

The National Bank of Coxsackie is proud to support these crucial, lifesaving efforts as well. In October 2021, Justice For Orphans implemented CarePortal in Greene County. Thanks to the support of businesses like The National Bank of Coxsackie, that platform continues to grow, according to the group. 

Mark Maraglio, senior vice president of The National Bank of Coxsackie said, “Supporting organizations that support our local communities is important to National Bank of Coxsackie. Supporting Justice For Orphans bringing their CarePortal to Greene County will allow local families the benefit of receiving aid when needed.”

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