RAVENA — On Sunday, Jan. 12, at 2 p.m., the Ravena Coeymans Historical Society will present its first 2025 program. Join in as speaker Ron Gabriele relates the program, “The History of Golden Age Radio.”
Gabriele will discuss the very beginnings of radio and chart its progress through the decades. Further, he will examine the significant impact radio had on American society, as Marconi breaks, “The Great Hush.”
There will be a discussion on the impact that development of the radio networks has had on society and radio itself. How did radio stations get the call letters they use down to this day? That question and others will be answered. He will examine the development of the segmented broadcast day by networks and how this refined radio production. Finally, he will look at the various shows that resided in each of the four daily broadcast segments.
Following the speech, there will be time for questions and further discussion.
Ron Gabriele holds an MS from SUNY Albany and a BS from SUNY Brockport. In 2003, he retired from Columbia-Greene Community College, where he held the position of athletic director. He taught health and physical education for many years.
Open to the public, the program will be held in the museum, located in the rear entrance of the Ravena Municipal building, 15 Mountain Road in the village. The building is accessible to the handicapped.