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News from the Past in Memory of Harry A. Sturges
News Herald – December 5, 1924 – F.E. Bleezarde, Publisher
- Since our railroad whistle has been stilled, our citizens listen for the brickyard whistle to keep their clocks on the right time.
- A daughter was born to Mrs. W.J.A. Graham, wife of principal of the high school here, in the Ilion hospital on Wednesday last week.
- The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Coeymans Fire Department will hold their monthly meeting in the firehouse on Monday evening, Dec. 8. A report will be made at this time of the receipts from the card party which was recently held.
- The light fall of snow last Saturday gave the youngsters an opportunity to try out their sleds and the Westerlo Street hill rang with merry laughter of the sleigh riders. Great caution should be used by those who ride on the hill as there is much automobile traffic on this street as well as Main Street which crosses it.
- Senator C.H. Baumes and wife, of Newburgh, were guests of Mrs. Baumes’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.A. TenEyck on Thanksgiving Day. The many friends of Mr. Baumes are glad to know of his re-election as senator on the Republican ticket and all agree they have “the right man in the right place.”
- The Ravena Public Library has recently been enlarged to the extent of 57 additional books, four of which are new books purchased by the committee, two are the gift of Dr. H.F. Muller Jr., and the remaining 51 were given by Miss Mildred Boughton and her brother, Clifford Boughton.
- Miss Edith Swartout, who teaches in Babylon, L.I., was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Swartout, during the Thanksgiving recess.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rosa, who have been living near Kingston for some time, are moving back to Ravena and will live in the house on Central Avenue owned by John Bush.
- The food sale under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Christian church will be held in the water company’s office on the afternoon of December 13, from 3 to 5 o’clock.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.L. VanWie of Elsmere, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Albright of Athens, and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Van Heusen and family of Coeymans, enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. VanHeusen.
Coeymans Herald – December 3, 1889 – S.H. & E.J. Sherman, Proprietors
- It is said that Mr. John Ziegler will build an icehouse on his farm property.
- The thermometer this morning registered 6 above zero and the river is full of floating ice.
- During the heavy storm on Thursday, Mr. L.A. Carhart’s basement was flooded to the depth of nearly 18 inches.
- The timber has arrived for Mr. J.A. Brower’s new residence, and the carpenters have commenced work.
- Mr. Wm. Seabridge lost the end of his right-hand index finger one day recently by having it caught in a tackle block. He is also suffering from an abscess on the back of his neck.
Supervisor’s Message: A new year, a look ahead
By George McHugh
Coeymans Town Supervisor
Happy New Year! 2023 is going to be a great year for Coeymans!
Due to popular demand and positive feedback from our residents, we will be sending out a town newsletter every other month, to continue our goal of keeping our constituents informed and being more transparent than ever before. This will ensure that the residents of Coeymans are kept abreast of what is going on within their local government, and keep you updated on the exciting plans and projects currently underway and being planned.
Here is a summary of some of the things going on in Coeymans.
Our $1.4 million capital project at the Coeymans Landing Riverfront Park is substantially complete, thanks to grant funds from the state, resulting in our town park being one of the crown jewels of Coeymans and a destination location for many in the region.
An official ribbon cutting ceremony for the park upgrades is being planned for the spring.
And as we plan for spring, our engineers and planners are busy putting the finishing touches on the plans for permanent bathroom facilities to be constructed in Joralemon Park and Coeymans Landing Riverfront Park starting in April 2023. Our town parks have never looked better.
Under the leadership of Chief Marc Tryon, the Coeymans Police Department continues to protect and serve our residents, and provide community policing while working in concert with fellow law enforcement agencies at the county, state and federal levels.
Thanks to our partner, Albany County Sheriff Craig D. Apple, Sr., a sheriff’s substation was established in the hamlet of Coeymans in 2020, which doubled patrols and public safety in Coeymans at no additional cost to the town.
Today, Coeymans residents and taxpayers enjoy a level of public safety unlike that of any time before in the history of our town. The town board continues to make public safety one of our highest priorities, and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future.
The town board, together with officers from the Ravena Rescue Squad, are currently taking the legal steps necessary to form a townwide Ambulance District for the residents of Coeymans. If successful, the new ambulance district will provide our Rescue Squad with the structure to sustain their workforce, and continue their growth into the future to ensure that emergency medical services shall remain intact for the residents of our town for decades to come.
As so many of our neighboring communities are finding it challenging to maintain emergency medical services for their residents, Coeymans is taking steps to improve and expand services townwide.
Through the coordinated efforts of the town board and State Telephone, over 4 miles of broadband internet fiber has been expanded to the residents of Starr Road and Bushendorf Road, at no expense to town taxpayers.
Mid-Hudson Cablevision is continuing its work to install fiber along Lindskoog Road and the surrounding area, to ensure that the homes in this part of Coeymans enjoy high-speed internet.
The goal of providing reliable, high-speed internet to all properties within the town shall remain a top priority of this administration until 100% broadband coverage throughout Coeymans is achieved.
Over the past year, the town and village worked together to expand the hamlet sewer and water districts, to provide much-needed infrastructure to the industrial areas of Coeymans, in an effort to accommodate the offshore wind project and bring hundreds of new jobs to Coeymans.
Albany County Economic Development has designated the top industrial shovel-ready sites in the county and two out of the three top sites are in the town of Coeymans.
We continue to work towards replacing our outdated and defective sewer lines in the hamlet sewer district and apply for grants that will help offset the cost of the new and much-needed infrastructure.
Currently, the town board and village board, together with financial assistance from Assemblyman Chris Tague and engineering by the town engineers at MJ Engineering, are working on planning and constructing sidewalks along Route 9W, from the Greene County line to the Crossroads Ford dealership.
Planning of the sidewalks has already commenced and construction shall be in phases, with the crosswalks at the intersection of Routes 9W and 143 already underway by the state. It is our goal to have a comprehensive sidewalk plan and construction drawings complete some time in 2023.
Unfortunately, the condition of our town hall remains a health and safety issue for our employees, with unsafe levels of airborne mold spores infiltrating the entire lower level of the building as a result of drainage and water seepage. As a result, the town board has been forced to relocate some of the staff to temporary office facilities until such time as remediation and repairs are able to be made.
The displaced departments include the Building Department, Assessor’s Office, Supervisor’s Office, Business Office, and Police Department. Our engineers and environmental experts are presently working on a remedy so our staff will ultimately be able to safely return to their offices once the remediation and construction work is complete.
As the town board looks towards 2023 and beyond, we will continue our work with our partners in Albany County, along with local investors, to expedite the foreclosure process on some of our abandoned and rundown “zombie properties,” so they may be restored or replaced, and brought back on the tax rolls.
The town of Coeymans tax rate is 9% lower today than it was on Jan. 1, 2020, when I took office, and it continues to be the lowest municipal tax currently paid by Coeymans residents, business owners and property owners.
Coeymans is open for business! With its shovel-ready sites, a low tax rate, critical infrastructure in place and a workforce second to none, it is no wonder why Coeymans has been identified by many global industries as the place to come and establish their headquarters, bringing new tax revenue and jobs to our community.
Thank you for the honor and privilege of being able to continue to serve as your town supervisor, God bless all of you, and God bless the town of Coeymans.