By Melanie Lekocevic
Capital Region Independent Media
RAVENA — Though temperatures were frosty, residents turned out by the hundreds to see the annual Christmas parade march from Coeymans Landing up Main Street to Mosher Park.
Marchers and floats gathered at Coeymans Landing beginning at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. At 6 p.m. the town Christmas tree was lit and then marchers stepped off. More marchers joined the procession from the parking lot at Pieter B. Coeymans Elementary School if the hill near the Landing proved too difficult.
Then they proceeded up Main Street and stopped briefly at Veterans Memorial Park across the street from the Ravena firehouse to light the village Christmas tree as the crowd cheered, before moving up Pulver Avenue to Mosher Park.
At the park there were more festivities, like visits with Santa Claus, Christmas arts and crafts, treats and a bonfire.
Floats and marchers participating in the parade came from all quarters of the community, from local fire companies and businesses, and the RCS school district.
Some marchers tossed candy to the younger spectators — including a couple of Grinches — and others operated snow machines, spraying snow along the parade route. There were plenty of Christmas tunes blared and horns honked and cheers called out.
“Thank you to everyone that helped, participated, attended and sponsored,” Mayor Bill Misuraca said in a statement on social media. “It was truly awesome and is absolutely the highlight of my year, every year!”
There was plenty of creativity on display among the colorfully lit and festive floats that wound through the village Saturday.
The float from the RCS Community Library had the theme “Christmas Around the World,” and featured flags from France, Germany, South Korea, Ukraine and other nations. Several RCS school buses were all dolled up in colorful lights and Christmas decorations, including one bus “dressed” as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
One float featured angels complete with wings and halos, and the Ravena Innovation Station — which offers kids extracurricular programming in STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics — had a “Welcome 2 Whoville” float, from the Dr. Seuss book and film, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”
And countless people came out to watch the parade and cheer them on.
“The streets were full and it made my heart smile!” Deputy Mayor Nancy Warner said on social media.
The Christmas parade is held on the first Saturday of December every year.
Here are more images from Saturday’s parade: