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Word of county tax plan didn’t reach Hillsdale super


HILLSDALE–The regular Hillsdale Town Board meeting, normally held on the second Tuesday of the month, was postponed due to weather and the board met Saturday morning, February 16.

At the meeting Supervisor Peter Cipkowski expressed surprise when board members Robina Ward and Tom Carty informed him that the Register Star newspaper in Hudson reported Columbia County plans to levy a tax on short-term rentals, like properties using the online service Airbnb.

Mr. Cipkowski said the issue had not come up at the most recent meeting of the county Board of Supervisors.

The matter was discussed at the February 14 meeting of the county’s Occupancy Charge Review Committee. A story on that meeting and the proposed tax appears in this issue (February 21) of The Columbia Paper.

The City of Hudson has had a short-term occupancy tax since June 1, 2017. It is 4% of the rent plus an annual registration fee of $45 per address plus $15 per room, according to a city document. Hillsdale has proposed Local Law 1 to regulate short-term rentals.

In other business at the town meeting, Mr. Cipkowski announced that the maximum weight limit on Roe Bridge, near the intersection of Tribrook Road and Collins Street, will be reduced from 12 to 10 tons. The change, anticipated to start within the next two weeks, is due to DPW work to counter deck deterioration and steel stringer section loss on the bridge.

Town reports included remarks from Fire District Commissioner Bud Atwood, who faulted state mandates for unnecessary expenditures by Hillsdale. “A lot of money goes to mandates.” he said.

Mr. Atwood cited requirements to change fire truck tires and essential equipment every 10 years. He noted that Hillsdale does not have service demands similar to suburban communities, yet is bound by the same mandates.

Ms. Ward, the town Infrastructure chair, reported that the town’s insurance should cover the costs of replacing the eastern-most light pole at the intersection of routes 22 and 23. The light pole has been struck twice by vehicles. The most recent accident demolished it. It was suggested that the town consider relocating the pole.

Also at the meeting:

• Town Clerk Kathi Doolan reported that the new county solid waste station recycling permits are a boon to town coffers. Hillsdale and other county municipalities which sell the permits receive $5 on each one, which range in cost from $35 to $100 annually. There is no projection on how much revenue the new fees will generate

• Teri Traver was appointed town bookkeeper, a part-time position

• The board adopted the state’s Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy.

The next board meeting is Tuesday, March 12 at 7 pm.

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