Columbia Memorial Health (1) Careers

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The Philmont Public Library hosted an adoption event with the Everlasting Hope Animal Rescue, Saturday, October 17 from 10 a.m. to noon. Several puppies from two different litters were available for adoption. Everlasting’s President and Founder Wendy Guntert said she had hoped to also bring cats, kittens and guinea pigs but the air was chilly and she felt that it would be too stressful for them. The library is also collecting donations of pet food, toys and cat litter for the entire month of October to benefit the rescue. Pictured, Jaida Krein of Philmont, was with her grandmother, Ruth Bruns. Her heart was set on one of the puppies, but she must fill out an application form that assures that she will be able to take care of the dog. Photo by David Lee
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