BELOW ARE the stores that currently sell The Columbia Paper. More will be added in the future so check the list if you don’t see a store near you. If your favorite store doesn’t carry The Columbia Paper, ask the owner or manager to contact us and we will arrange for deliveries.
We regret that we cannot yet offer subscriptions because the cost of mailing remains too high. But we do plan to offer that service as soon as possible.
Bagel Tyme-Hudson, 41 N. 7th Street, Hudson
Bagel Tyme-G’port, 389 Fairview Avenue, Hudson
Bagel Tyme-K’hook, 1 Broad Street, Kinderhook
B&G Wine & Gourmet, 2633 Route 23, Hillsdale
Bucky’s Bagels, Valley Plaza, New Lebanon
Charron’s, 2 Church Street, Chatham
Chatham Food Co-Op, 15 Church Street, Chatham
Chatham Getty, 123 Hudson Avenue, Chatham
Cobble Pond Sunoco-Chatham, Chatham
Cobble Pond Sunoco-Hillsdale, 2690 State Hwy 23, Hillsdale
Copake Pharmacy, Main Street, Copake
Copake Sunoco, 1678 County Route 7a, Copake
Cornucopia Deli, 8039 Albany Post Rd (Rt 9), Red Hook
Country Squire Hardware, Route 20, New Lebanon
Cumberland Farms, 76 Main Street, Philmont
Cumberland Farms, Route 9 & 9j, Columbiaville
Cumberland Farms, 1046 Kinderhook Street, Valatie
Cumberland Farms, Maple Ave & Rt 4, Millerton
CVS, 160 Fairview Avenue, Hudson
CVS, 617 Warren Street, Hudson
CVS, 2982 Route 9, Valatie
Depot Deli, Route 344, Copake Falls
Germantown Sunoco, 4297 Rt 9g, Germantown
Greenport Convenience (Mobil), 505 Fairview Avenue, Hudson
Hillsdale IGA, Route 23, Hillsdale
Hudson Convenience, Green Street, Hudson
Hudson Getty, 124 Fairview Avenue, Hudson
Hudson Train, 69 South Front Street, Hudson
Lukoil (Lucky), 718 Columbia Street, Hudson
Johnnie’s Ideal, 352 Warren Street, Hudson
New Lebanon Supermarket, Route 20, New Lebanon
Niverville Meats/Deli, 122 Lake Street, Niverville
Old Chatham Country Store, 639 Albany Turnpike, Old Chatham
Peck’s Market, E Church Street, Pine Plains
Pine Plains Pharmacy, 2965 Church Street, Pine Plains
Ritters, 43 South 3rd Street, Hudson
Smoker’s Choice, 160 Fairview Avenue, Hudson
Smart Mart Foods, 67 Green Street, Hudson
Stewarts, 4294 Rt 9G, Germantown
Stewarts, 5805 Rt 9G, Hudson
Stewarts, 9248 Rt 22, Hillsdale
Stewarts, 13 Fairview Avenue, Hudson
Stewarts, 61 Chatham Street, Kinderhook
Stewarts, 479 State Route 20, New Lebanon
Stewarts, 116 Main Street, Philmont
Stewarts, 7710 S. Main St Cor. 82/Railroad, Pine Plains
Stewarts, 2931 US Rt 9, Valatie
Tams, 163 Fairview Avenue, Hudson
Xtramart-Martindale, 1371 Rte 23, Craryville