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Scofflaws beware, Valatie adds teeth to parking law


VALATIE–The Village Board reviewed village parking laws last week, made some updates and changes and scheduled a public hearing to approve the revisions.

The board set the public hearing for October 20 at 7 p.m., before their regular meeting at the Martin H. Glynn Municipal Building. Board member Frank Bevens said that the proposed parking laws would be posted on the village website, www.valatievillage.org, for residents to review.

At the September 15 Village Board meeting trustees reviewed the parking laws so that the village can start issuing parking tickets to violators. Village Attorney Rob Fitzsimmons said that once the changes are approved by the board after the public hearing, the village can put up signs letting residents know where the no parking zones are. At that point local law enforcement agencies can start giving out tickets to people who violate the law.

The board also discussed water bills. Mayor Diane Argyle said that 89 residents and businesses in the Town of Kinderhook have been paying less for water plant maintenance than village residents. The town residents use village water but only pay about $18 a quarter for maintenance of the system, while village residents a pay $20. The mayor said she was looking into the issue and would make sure that all water users pay the same amount for maintenance.

The village is moving forward with the plan to place cameras on Main Street with the help of $16,000 from the state obtained through the office of state Senator Kathy Marchione (R-43rd). Mr. Bevens said that the board received a quote from S&F Technologies for $16,940 for the cameras and installation. The board approved the S&F bid for the cameras but will still have to pay for the electric work needed to operate the equipment. After the meeting, Mayor Argyle said the village is still waiting for the bid on that work.

The board is also looking for a new member for the Zoning Board of Appeals. The board accepted the resignation of Jason Nastke the ZBA and then appointed Diana VanAlstyne to finish out his term, which ends in January. The board will advertise for the position and appoint a new member.

The next Village Board meeting is October 20 at 7 p.m.

To contact reporter Emilia Teasdale email eteasdale@columbiapaper.com.

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