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Robertson named interim NL supervisor

Former New Lebanon town Supervisor Meg Robertson has been appointed interim supervisor following the resignation of Colleen Teal. Photo by Peter Flierl

NEW LEBANON–“Been there, done that” is an apt description for Interim Town Supervisor Margaret “Meg” Robertson.

In a recent interview at her upstairs office, she was already at work with Town Clerk and supervisor candidate Tistrya Houghtling on Ms. Robertson’s first day as appointed interim supervisor for the Town of New Lebanon. The position also means she will serve as an interim member of the Columbia County Board of Supervisors. Both positions run through December 31, 2019.

Ms. Robertson served two terms as a member of the Town Board from 2000 to 2008 and following that was elected to two terms as town supervisor from 2008 through 2012. Her return to office was brought about by the unexpected resignation of former Supervisor Colleen Teal, who is moving to Virginia to be near her family. The board appointed Ms. Robertson August 12 after Ms. Teal announced her departure.

In the interview Ms. Robertson shared characteristics required for public service in a small town, including: “not being a sissy, patience, tolerance for differing opinions, non-judgmental, and understanding of daily lives of small town residents.”

One change Ms. Robertson said she may make now that she is back in her old job is to move the supervisor’s office back to the first floor. She said she likes to see who’s coming in and to be more accessible and visible for those wishing to see her on town business.

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