Remember doing this?


Friday, December 16, 2022, dawned on the first good snow of the season, and by Saturday, the hill in Callan Park adjacent to the Barnwell Nursing Home in Valatie was well prepared for sledding. It is a perfect sledding hill within walking distance for anybody who lives in the village, and it has no obstacles and a long run-out at the bottom. Damian Parkhurst (top and middle) tried a couple of different sleds over the little jump that had been created on the mid-slope. The blue sled sent him over the jump backwards and the orange one had an ejector seat. Dylan Torchia (bottom) rode down the hill with his delighted 2-year-old son Vincent. He says he grew up nearby on New Street and this has been a destination for him, friends and family for as long as he can remember. Photos by David Lee
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