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Pre-K registration is underway

Got a little one at home? Registration for the RCS pre-kindergarten program is now underway. Courtesy of Pexels

RAVENA-COEYMANS-SELKIRK — Pre-kindergarten registration for the 2023-24 school year is now open, running through Friday, April 21.

The district is planning for four in-district, full-day pre-kindergarten classrooms for the 2023-24 school year. This change will replace the current program, which includes four half-day classes.

If the number of students who have completed enrollment packets by April 21 exceeds the program capacity in either Pieter Coeymans or A.W. Becker elementary schools, the district will hold a public lottery as mandated by the New York State Universal Pre-Kindergarten Grant.

Children who are registered AFTER the end of open registration will not be included in the lottery. Instead, they will be enrolled in any remaining slots or placed on a waiting list on a first-come, first-serve basis.

For more information, please visit rcscsd.org.

All pre-kindergarten students will participate in a screening conducted by teachers and nurses. This helps the school to plan the best possible experience for all children. 

In May, each elementary school building will schedule screening appointments directly with parents for one of the following dates:

  • Tuesday, June 6
  • Wednesday, June 7

Specific information regarding screening appointment dates and times will be shared with families from their respective elementary schools.

If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact District Registrar Carol Eckl at registration@rcscsd.org.

If you have specific questions about the pre-kindergarten screening process or the pre-kindergarten program, please contact the building office at the school your child will attend: A. W. Becker (extension 5001) or Pieter B. Coeymans (extension 4001).

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