New Leb seeks waterway status for Wyomonack Creek


NEW LEBANON–The Town Board has set the wheels in motion for bid to name Wyomonack Creek an Inland Waterway

At the September 8 meeting a letter that will be sent to the state Senate was read by Deputy Town Clerk Cynthia Creech. It seeks designation of the Wyomonack Creek as an Inland Waterway in the state. The letter predicts the designation would attract “low impact visitors” to New Lebanon and help preserve the historic creek that flows through a former Mohican hunting ground, the Shaker Swamp, and part of the now defunct Lebanon Springs railroad. The railroad, under succeeding names, transported milk and other refrigerated goods from Vermont dairies to New York City.

The letter to the state senate proposed that with funding from the New York Inland Waterways program, a boardwalk could be constructed at the Shaker Swamp.

The Wyomonack Creek originates in the Rensselaer County town of Stephentown and flows south to the hamlet of New Lebanon, then roughly follows Route 20 to West Lebanon where it joins Kinderhook, which eventually empties into the Hudson River.

In other business at the meeting:

  • Highway Superintendant Jeffrey Winestock reported the roof over the town Highway Department building is leaking. The board will schedule necessary repairs before winter weather hits. Damage to equipment has been negligible due in part to unusually dry weather for most of the summer
  • In a letter read by supervisor Mike Benson, the town Zoning Board of Appeals wrote “no changes to the sign law are needed at this time.” This was in response to citizen complaints at the prior board meeting over large signs posted by businesses on state Route 20
  • On September 26 the Lebanon Valley Historical Society will host a pulled pork dinner at 4 p.m. at Shatford Park to raise funds to maintain the Columbia Hall sycamore tree and the Columbia Hall Spring House. Tickets are available at the town hall and library. For more information visit the Lebanon Valley Historical Society on Facebook.
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