Kinderhook DPW finds it has friends after fire


KINDERHOOK–Dave Booth, superintendent of the village Department of Public Works (DPW), reported to the Village Board that his department is keeping up with its spring work despite having lost almost all of its equipment in a fire at the DPW garage Memorial Day.

Mr. Booth gave his report to the board at the regular meeting on June 10. He said the department had a lot of help from the county and nearby towns with use of equipment. Later in the meeting, board member Dale Leiser said the DPW had even borrowed a mower and other equipment from a local church.

Mayor Carol Weaver said that Michelle Arno of Albany donated $70 to the DPW, part of the proceeds from his food sales at the annual craft fair in the village.

Mayor Weaver thanked Mr. Booth and his crew for not only keeping up with the maintenance in the village but have also for cleaning out the garage to find out what can be salvaged. “You did a really good job,” she told Mr. Booth.

She also thanked the fire department for fighting the fire. Fire Chief Larry Eisen, who attended last week’s board meeting, said that the fire was deemed accidental and a final report would be available in a couple of weeks.

Mr. Booth said he is working on an equipment list from the building. “It’s petty extensive,” he said, but added that he hopes village DPW truck is still usable. “Thank you all for everything that you’ve been doing. I know it’s been hectic,” said Mayor Weaver.

The board approved increasing the DPW credit card limit from $1,000 to $3,000.

Also at the meeting:

  • The board discussed an exposed water pipe in Kinderhook Creek. Mr. Leiser said it was exposed because of the drought conditions. The board has a plan to fill in around the pipe
  • Construction on the Village Hall roof should begin July 20 but the project is not expected to affect the clerk’s hours or scheduled meetings at the village office
  • Code Enforcement Officer Glen Smith said there were not bidders on the house on Church Street, large sections of which are covered with mold. The house is owned by Chase Bank
  • The voted to allow acoustic music Tuesday nights from 5 to 7 p.m. on the Village Green, while the Flemmarie has its food truck parked there. The board discussed what parts of the road to close for Food Truck Night in the village Thursday, June 25 from 5 to 9 p.m.

The next board meeting is Wednesday, July 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

To contact reporter Emilia Teasdale email  


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