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H’dale accepts small plot for safer turn


HILLSDALE–At the urging of Town Attorney Matthew Cabral, the Hillsdale Town Board voted unanimously at its regular monthly meeting to accept an Irrevocable Offer of Cession from the Tory Hills Associates on a .93-acre parcel. The land being transferred to town ownership is located southwest of Whippoorwill Road near the intersection with state Route 22. Area residents have complained that the intersection is a traffic hazard due to limited visibility for vehicles entering 22 from Whippoorwill.

Mr. Cabral noted that the parcel is valued at $500 and that removing it from the town’s tax base would be “negligible.” He said, “It makes sense for the town to accept this offer now.” The town is considering widening the intersection to improve traffic visibility.

Supervisor Peter Cipkowski expressed concern that the parcel is not large enough to satisfy the state Department of Transportation.

In that event, Mr. Cabral suggested, the town would need to have “ a different conversation” with the Tory Hills Associates. He added that the parcel is “a piece of the puzzle. You are going to need that piece.”

The irrevocable offer of cession was made originally in 1988. Now, the Tory Hills Association is dissolving its partnership thus necessitating that the town act soon.

In another matter, Roe Jan Park Special Events Coordinator Meghan McCann pressed the board to consider improvements to the park, which currently does not have potable water. This requires users to haul water to the park. Ms. McCann said that a local business would help the town solve the water problem. She estimated the cost of materials at $2,200.

Ms. McCann, also, said the park has electrical problems, namely shorting issues, and noted that the town has lost one music festival booking due to the faulty electrical system. Other needed improvements include painting the Hilltop barn and replacing the roof on another building.

Will there be an Easter egg hunt in Hillsdale this year? Last year’s egg hunt was cancelled due to snow. During the public comments, a Hillsdale resident, identified as Stephanie, offered to organize the egg hunt, which traditionally is held on Palm Sunday in Hamlet Park. Board member Steve Tygart said that were “hundreds of eggs” stored in the Roe Jan shed and Supervisor Cipkowski said that the town would pay for the candy to be stuffed in the eggs.

In other business, Infrastructure Chair Robina Ward reported that sump pumps in residences were taxing the town’s sewer capacity.

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