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G’town school district drills down, for real


GERMANTOWN—The main well serving the Germantown Central School failed last month, and the Board of Education has unanimously approved spending up to $40,000 to drill another one.

The school has other wells, including two that that feed its water system, but it was still necessary to bring water into the district in order not to overuse the two “low-yield” wells and lead to their failure.

To avoid that, all the players moved quickly. The casing in the main well was compromised, and the well failed on September 22. The state Education Department declared the situation an emergency on September 30, so the district did not have to put the project out to bid.

The board approved the expense on October 14, and Claverack Pump Service started drilling the weekend of October 17. “The Health Department, the architect, school staff and Claverack Pump all collaborated to find the place to drill,” Superintendent Susan Brown said Tuesday. “Our fingers are crossed that it will be fine. With a well, it’s never over till it’s over.”

In other business at the October 14 meeting:

  • Emily Davison director of special education, made a presentation on the district’s special education continuum of services. Her presentation will be on the district website, germantowncsd.org
  • Board members agreed to try paperless board packets before meetings for the October 28 special meeting on the capital project and the November 18 regular board meeting, before committing themselves to a permanent change
  • The board decided to ask Dr. Gladys Cruz, superintendent of Questar III BOCES, to speak on the role of a BOCES and what Questar III offers its component districts when she attends the December 9 board meeting
  • The November 18 board meeting will include a presentation on Palatine Heritage Day, with video and Power Point slides
  • Design teams, consisting of faculty, staff and community members, continue to meet to brainstorm ideas for the renovation and addition to the school building. The theater and athletic teams have met twice, and the kitchen team once. “A nice cross-section of individuals has started meeting,” said Ms. Brown. The kitchen team is slightly different, being “a logistical conversation with the food staff that will eventually stretch out and include input from children and parents as we progress,” said Ms. Brown.

All board members attended the meeting except Andrea Provan. Due to the November 11 Veterans Day holiday, the next regular board meeting is Wednesday, November 18, at 6:30 p.m.

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