HUDSON–Below are unofficial results from the 2015 General Election in Columbia County held Tuesday, November 3, as reported by the Columbia County Board of Elections. Final results will not be certified as accurate and complete in all races until all absentee ballots are opened and counted and any challenges are resolved.
Winners are marked with an asterisk, “*”, but the these designations are only based on the machine vote tallies .
More information is available online at the county Board of Elections website:
3rd Judicial District*
Supreme Court Justice
DEM, WOR, IND Christina L Ryba 6,950
REP, CON, REF Norman C Massry 6,623
*Columbia County is only a part of the district. The winner will be determined by the overall totals for the whole judicial district.
Columbia County
District Attorney
DEM, WEP Kenneth L Golden 6,396
REP, CON, IND, REF Paul Czajka 7,822*
REP, CON, IND Paul J Keeler Jr 10,482*
REP, CON, IND James E Bertram 10,438*
DEM, WOR Tiffany Martin Hamilton 740*
REP, CON, IND William H Hallenbeck Jr 704
Common Council President
DEM, WOR Victor Mendolia 286
REP, CON, IND Claudia M DeStefano 574*
ALL-HUDSON Tom DePietro 485
DEM, WOR Heather S Campbell 943*
Hudson Ward 1
DEM, WEP Sarah Sterling 147*
Alderman (Vote for 2)
DEM Rick Rector 147*
DEM Michael O’Hara 133*
Hudson Ward 2
DEM Edward C Cross III 195*
Alderman (Vote for 2)
DEM, CON, IND Abdus Satter Miah 179*
DEM Tiffany M Garriga 161*
Hudson Ward 3
DEM Don Moore 211*
Alderman (Vote for 2)
DEM John K Friedman 167*
DEM Henry A Haddad 173*
PROGRESS AND UNITY William J Kappel 90
Hudson Ward 4
DEM, IND William C Hughes Jr 123*
Alderman (Vote for 2)
DEM Alexis B Keith 95*
DEM, REP, IND Lauren Scalera 108*
REP Derrick Smart 34
WOR Rich “Trixie” Volo 57
Hudson Ward 5
DEM, CON, IND Richard Scalera 392*
Alderman (Vote for 2)
DEM, GRN Ken Hollenbeck 264
DEM Justin Goldman 235
REP, CON, IND Priscilla Moore 275*
REP, CON, IND Robert Donahue 302*
DEM, REP Art Bassin 331*
Clerk/Tax Coll’r
DEM, REP Monica RB Cleveland 358*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, REP Hugh Clark 303*
DEM David Boice 291*
REP Daniel Chris Rothvoss Jr 149
Justice (Vote for 2)
DEM, REP George Wittlinger Sr 351*
DEM, REP Robert Wilcox 332*
Hwy Superintendent
DEM Bob Roche 182
REP James P Miller 231*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM Nansi Friedman 216*
DEM Jere Wrightsman 262*
REP, CON Jon “Beansy” Mesick 202
REP Shawn Williams 183
DEM, REP, CON, IND Richard Keaveney 317*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, REP, CON, IND Brenda Adams 320*
DEM, REP, CON, IND Alan G Miller 315*
Council (unexpired term)
DEM, REP, CON Terese B Platten 299*
Justice (Vote for 2)
DEM Delena M Schaefer 212*
DEM, REP, CON Katherine E Ambrosio 325*
REP, CON Joseph Lawrence 131
Highway Superintendent
DEM, REP, CON, IND Bernhard F Meyer 339*
REP, CON, IND Jesse D DeGroodt 570
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, Chatham First Robert Balcom 602*
DEM, Chatham First Landra Haber 579*
REP, CON, IND Jeanette Linville 544
REP, CON, IND Julia Veronezi 553
Justice (Vote for 2)
DEM, REP James Borgia-Forster 959*
DEM, REP, IND Jason Shaw 1001*
Shall the contribution of the Town of Claverack for the operating budget of the Claverack Free Library be increased by ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the sum of fifty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($58,500.00) annually?
Yes 769*
No 350
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, CLAVERACK Katy Cashen 675*
DEM, CLAVERACK Dave Baylen 437
REP, CON, IND Bill Gerlach 660
REP, CON, IND Maryanne Lee 697*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM Dawn M Brownson 140*
REP, CON Evan Hempel 181*
REP, CON Richard G Christensen 218*
REP, CON, IND Jeffrey Nayer 324*
Clerk/Tax Coll’r
REP, CON, IND Lawrence O Proper 340*
Council (Vote for 2)
REP, CON, IND Kelly A Miller-Simmons 316*
REP, CON, IND Stanley “Stosh” Gansowski 303*
REP, CON, IND John P Spencer 329*
Hwy Supt
REP, CON, IND William H Gregory 343*
DEM, REP, IND John C Reilly 197*
Clerk/Tax Coll’r
DEM, REP Lisa M Deleeuw 199*
Council (Vote for 2)
REP Donald H Coons 164*
REP Jeffrey L Galm 163*
DEM, CON, WOR, IND Tia S Denenberg 148*
REP Thomas M Garrick 89
Shall the annual contribution of the Town of Germantown for the operating budget of The Germantown Library be increased by thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) to the sum of eighty-eight thousand dollars ($88,000)?
Yes 325*
No 227
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM Arthur Schiff 235
DEM Joe Guida 259
REP, CON, IND Ronald E Moore II 309*
REP, CON, IND Brittany Bohnsack-DuFresne 306*
REP, CON, IND Robert W Beaury 399*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM Patti Matheney 653*
DEM Koethi Zan 637
REP Mark Huston 603
REP Peter Nelson Sr 690*
IND Richard W Sardo 156
Justice (Vote for 2)
DEM, REP, CON Mark S Portin 1,218*
DEM, REP, CON Michael N Bruno 1,211*
DEM, WOR, IND Edward F Nabozny 547*
REP, CON John J Porreca Sr 536
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, IND Guy T Apicella 530*
DEM George P Super 165
REP, CON Keith Mortefolio 575*
REP, CON John P Mausolf Sr 512
IND Kathleen Leck-Eldridge 290
Justice (Vote for 2)
DEM, CON Francis A Abitabile 726*
REP Glen J Graziano 495*
Hwy Supt
DEM, CON, IND Mark A Gaylord 612*
REP John Onufrychuk Jr 485
DEM, REP, WOR Peter Cipkowski 310*
NOBLETOWN Bill Sullivan 83
DEM, COMMON SENSE Kathi Doolan 323*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, Common Sense Steven Tiger 259*
DEM, Common Sense Robina Ward 308*
Justice (Vote for 2)
DEM, Common Sense Mark Cawley 301*
DEM, REP, Common Sense Russ Immarigeon 295*
REP, CON, IND Art Baer 116
Hwy Supt
DEM, Common Sense Richard Briggs 329*
Tax Coll’r
DEM, Comon Sense Joseph H Hanselman 363*
Shall the Town of Kinderhook increase its annual contribution for the operating budget of The Valatie Free Library by five thousand eight hundred fifty dollars ($5,850) to the sum of seventy thousand eight hundred fifty dollars ($70,850)?
Yes 1,387*
No 791
DEM, WOR, ONE KINDERHOOK Matthew L Nelson 895
REP, CON, IND Patrick M Grattan 1,398*
DEM, REP, CON, IND Kimberly A Pinkowski 2,110
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, WOR, ONE KINDERHOOK Marcia A Anderson 830
DEM, WOR, ONE KINDERHOOK Jeffrey Ouellette 997
REP, CON, IND Timothy H Ooms 1,408*
REP, CON, IND Deborah A Simonsmeier 1,260*
DEM, CON, IND David Dellehunt 1,804*
Tax Coll’r
DEM, WEP Deidra S Curtis 1,640*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, REP Bill Bender 473*
DEM, REP Will Yandik 476*
DEM, REP Harold G Weaver Jr 492*
New Lebanon
DEM Colleen Teal 429*
REP, CON, IND Michael Benson 292
DEM Tistrya Houghtling 406*
REP, CON, IND Jen Kelly 302
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM Mark Baumli 460*
DEM Kevin C Smith Sr 369*
DEM Schuyler Gail 318
REP, IND Jack Nevers 383*
Hwy Supt
DEM, IND Jeffrey A Winestock 588*
Tax Coll’r
DEM Tammie Darcy 615*
REP, CON, IND Matt B Murell 408*
Council (Vote for 2)
REP, CON, IND Robert Briggs Sr 421*
REP, CON, IND John Leone 377*
REP Harold Horner 398*
Assessor (Vote for 2)
REP Robert Jensen 363*
REP Edward Hamm 373*
DEM, WOR, WEP Lee Jamison 254
REP, CON, IND Ron Knott 357*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM, IND Edson W Folmsbee 249
DEM Frank Serpico 265
REP, CON Kelley Williams 364*
REP, CON, IND Thomas S Burrall 321*
Hwy Supt
REP, CON, IND Charles K Stiffler (unexpired term) 483*
Council (Vote for 2)
DEM Arthur McGuire 186
DEM, WOR, WEP Linda Swartz 168
REP, CON, IND Tara Buffa 192*
REP, CON, IND Richard Skoda 233*