COPAKE—The Town Board authorized, designated, appointed and approved resolutions regarding a lengthy list of people, places, policies and entities as it got itself organized for 2015 business, January 8.
Town Supervisor Jeffrey Nayer, Councilpersons Kelly Miller-Simmons, Susan Winchell-Sweeney, Jeanne Mettler and Terry Sullivan were all there.
The board accepted: county and state bids for materials and equipment; an inter-municipal cooperation agreement between the Copake Highway Department and neighboring towns, villages and the Taconic Hills School District to share resources in the undertaking of public works and other municipal improvement projects and services.
The board accepted an agreement for expenditure of highway funds as follows: general repairs, $183,500 for primary work and general repairs upon 56.19 miles of town highways, including sluices, culverts, and bridges having a span of less than five feet and boardwalks; permanent improvements, $131,184.97 including blacktop shimming, single seals of oil and stone, and stone and cold mix motor paving. Specific work will include: Two Town Road, from at State Route 23 to the dead end, a single seal of oil and stone on the road surface, rental of chip machine, and compaction roller; Birch Hill Road, from County Route 7 to Lakeview Road, a single seal of oil and stone on the road surface, rental of chip machine, and compaction roller; Lakeview Road from County Route 7 to the town line, a single seal of oil and stone on the road surface, rental of chip machine, and compaction roller; Cambridge Road from County Route 7 to the dead end, a two-inch overlay of cold mix motor pave on the road surface, rental of paving machine, and compaction roller; Cambridge Road from County Route 7 to the dead end, a single seal of oil and stone on the road surface, rental of chip machine, and compaction roller.
- Set highway crew wages in all classifications at $19.93/hour, shop foreman receives an additional $.25/hour, deputy highway superintendent receives an additional $.50/hour each year
- Authorized the supervisor to invest town funds in day of deposit and day of withdrawal CD accounts
- Appointed Kenneth J. Dow, Esq. attorney for the town; Rapport, Meyers LLP, town council for Cascino matters; The Columbia Paper and Register-Star official newspapers; Sickler, Torchia, Allen & Churchill CPAs PC as town accountant; Edward Ferratto code enforcement officer; Lawrence O. Proper registrar of vital statistics; Vana S. Hotaling deputy registrar of vital statistics; Katie Bell and Janet Glover part-time court clerks; Lynn Connelly assessor’s clerk; Michael Bradway park superintendent; Wes Powell dog control officer; Robin Bruce person-in-charge of the William Cemetery; Ronald Piper building custodian and booking agent; Veronica Fabio zoning board secretary; Lisa DeConti planning board secretary; Bridget Roberts summer park director; Coleen Miller summer park assistant director; Sean Carbine computer consultant and Shannon Hotaling code enforcement secretary
- Supervisor Nayer appointed himself as budget officer, Councilperson Kelly Miller-Simmons as deputy supervisor, Gloria Lyons town historian, Theresa Traver as the town’s bookkeeper
- Set the regular town board meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. with exception of August which will be held the second Saturday of the month at 9 a.m.; set mileage reimbursement rate at the IRS Rate for the use of private vehicles for town business
- Designated Key Bank official depository; the Copake Town Hall District #1 and the Copake Memorial Park Building District #2 polling places; Columbia/Greene Humane Society animal shelter
- Town Clerk Lawrence O. Proper appointed Vana Hotaling deputy town clerk/tax collector; Highway Superintendent Gregory appointed Timothy Albright deputy highway superintendent and announced limited seasonal use for Sunset Rock Road and Bain Road (the dead end section)
- Supervisor Nayer made the following liaison appointments: Councilperson Sullivan, Planning Board and Environmental Committee; Councilperson Mettler, Ethics Board, Copake Hamlet Revitalization Committee, Ag and Farmland Protection Committee; Councilperson Miller-Simmons, Park and Recreation, Land Use Review Committee and Assessor’s Office; Councilperson Winchell-Sweeney, Zoning Board of Appeals and Conservation Advisory Committee; Town Board, street lights and insurance, refuge and auditing; Supervisor Nayer, highway department.
To contact Diane Valden email