We will post local cancellations and postponements as we receive them.
ANCRAM–Ancram Town Hall, Town Court and Town Garage will be closed to the public until further notice. Town employees will continue to be working normal hours at the Town Hall or from home, so can you reach them by email, phone or mail. The Highway Department is working a regular schedule. If you have something to drop off with a town official, just put it in the mail box on the far edge of the parking lot. Call the Town number at 518-329-6512 and leave a message if no one is available to talk when you call. Find a directory of contact information on the town website: www.ancramny.org
ANCRAM–The town’s April 4 Easter Egg Hunt has been postponed due to state mandated recommendations mandated If for any reason the regulations change by the end of April, the town may schedule the event for another Saturday after Easter.
Ancram Kids’ Camp sign-up postponed. Camp applications will not be available until sometime in May. Town officials will alert everyone when the applications are ready and they will be posted on the website.
ANNANDALE—The May 3 gala celebrating the 70th anniversary season of the Hudson Valley Chamber Music Circle has been postponed to the fall. At this time, the HVCMC still plans to hold its June concert series in Olin Hall at Bard College.
AUSTERLITZ–Town Hall closed through March 31. Scheduled to reopen April 1. All monthly meetings canceled for the duration of March. www.austerlitzny.com. Reach Town Supervisor Lagonia at 518-755-0996 or rlagonia@austerlitzny.com
CHATHAM–PS 21 has cancelled all programs through the end of March. Grounds with 100 acres of trails, meadows, orchards, open spaces remain open to the public. Questions boxoffice@ps21chatham.org, 518 392-6121.
CHATHAM–Columbia Land Conservancy, 49 Main Street, has canceled all in-person public programs through April 30, and have also decided to cancel the June 20 Summer Solstice Soiree. We will keep you posted.
CHATHAM–The Crandell Theatre is closed through Thursday, April 16. The reopening on Friday, April 17, will be subject to then-current public health information.
CHATHAM & CANAAN—The Chatham & Canaan Libraries are closed at least through March 28. chatham.lib.ny.us
CHATHAM–Thompson Giroux Gallery, thompsongirouxgallery@gmail.com, postponing reception for THESPACE WITHIN by William Thompson. The artist reception for this show will be announced as soon as possible.
CHATHAM–19th Annual Sean’s Run Weekend scheduled for May 2 & 3, cancelled. This includes the 5K, Meghan’s Mile, Bike Rides, Zumbathon, Prevention Education Expo, World Championship Battle of the Belts. The event will not be rescheduled for this year. Questions? Email MarkFrench@seansrun.com.
CHATHAM–Price Chopper/Market 32 stores modify store hours to accommodate restocking and additional cleaning overnight. All 24-hour Price Chopper, Market 32 and Market Bistro stores will close at 10 pm and reopen at 6 am. The first hour of business will be reserved for seniors and immuno-compromised customers.
CHATHAM—The Chatham Area Silent Food Pantry in the basement of the Tracy Memorial Hall at 77 Main Street, continues to offer food to local residents in need. The pantry is well-stocked, and there is no shortage of food. But because Tracy Memorial Hall is now closed to the public, the food pantry is adopting new usage protocols to protect the health of clients and workers alike. Beginning immediately, people in need of food are being asked to call the pantry in advance of their visit.They will be informed of the items that are available and allowed to make selections according to their preferences. They will then be given an appointment time to collect the food they have ordered. The food will be waiting for them outside the rear door of the Tracy Memorial Hall at the specified time. The rear door of the Tracy can be accessed easily from the rear of the main village parking lot adjoining the Chatham Brewery. Clients who do not call ahead may still obtain food, but they will not be able to make specific selections. Instead, they will be given prepackaged bags of food. They must still telephone the pantry when they arrive to alert the workers to their presence. They must also remain six feet from the rear door while their food is brought out to them. Service hours remain unchanged. The pantry is open Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon and Wednesday and Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. To reach the Chatham Area Silent Food Pantry by phone call 518-392-7794. Additional information can be found on the pantry website: chathamsilentpantry.org.
CLAVERACK–The April meeting of the Claverack Seniors has been cancelled. The trip planned for April 21 has been postponed.
CLAVERACK–Columbia-Greene Humane Society/SPCA, 111 Humane Society Road, lobby closed to visitors effective immediately. Some services continue to be offered in a limited capacity.
Food Bank: We will continue to be open daily from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., If you are quarantined and need food for your pet, call 518-828-6044 X 100 or 108 or email jessica@cghs.org.
Surrender Services: All surrenders are by appointment only. Call 518-828-6044 X 100 or email at jessica@cghs.org
Adoptions: Adoption services will be canceled until March 31; however, potential adopters can view animals on the website at cghs.org and fill out an online application to be pre-approved for adoption.
Grooming: Grooming services will be canceled until March 31.
Boarding/Daycare: Due to so many of our clients being medical professionals who rely on boarding and daycare to care for their dogs, we will continue to offer our boarding services by appointment only. For information call or text 518-610-3232 or email jessica@cghs.org
Medical: We are well aware that many pet-owners rely on CGHS/SPCA for medical treatment for their pets. Currently, we have canceled our Health and Wellness clinics through March 31. If you are in need of medical treatment for your pet call or text 518-222-4218. Spay/Neuter Services: These clinics are canceled through March 31.
Donations: Donations of pet food and supplies can be left at the front door. If you need a receipt call Ron Perez at 518-828-6044 X 108 or email ronperez@cghs.org.
CLAVERACK—Columbia County Habitat for Humanity offices and ReStore, 829 Route 66, is closing ReStore operations and construction activities through March 31. There will be no store hours, pickups, deliveries or drop-offs, and, no work on construction sites with the possible exception of outside contractors. All volunteer opportunities and events, including the May fundraising gala, are being cancelled until further notice. 518-828-0892. www.columbiacountyhabitat.org
CLERMONT—New York State Parks are open including the Clermont State Historic Site, Clermont Avenue. All year-round parks, trails and grounds of historic sites are currently open daily, from 8:30 a.m. to sunset, for outdoor recreation and enjoyment. Governor Cuomo has waived all parking fees during the current COVID-19 public health crisis. All public programs and events are suspended indefinitely. This means that the Mansion, including house tours, and the Visitor Center at Clermont State Historic Site will not be opening for the season as previously scheduled, April 9. The Chancellor’s Sheep and Wool Showcase has been cancelled, originally scheduled for April 18. State Parks will provide updates periodically on social media, and at parks.ny.gov.
COPAKE—The Roeliff Jansen Community Library is closed to the public through March 31. The Library will reassess whether or not to reopen at that time. Patrons who have materials out may return them in the book drop when due or hold them until the Library reopens. Check roejanlibrary.org and RJCL social media accounts for updates.
COPAKE–Copake Town Hall and the Highway Garage are closed to the public until further notice. This situation will be reassessed at the end of March.
Although the offices will be closed, the public can communicate with staff through the telephone, email and US mail. Additionally, letters or documents can be left in our drop box which is outside our front door- and will be checked every weekday and Saturday. Likewise, we will be checking our voicemail and email on a regular basis.
Our building inspector Lee Heim has assured us that he can issue permits remotely.
Garbage bags and permits for the Transfer Station are available at the Transfer Station which will be open for its normal days and hours.
All departments in Town Hall can be reached by calling 518-329-1234 and waiting for the prompts. For a list of email contacts, go to the Copake website at: http://townofcopake.org/ Updates and cancellations will be posted on the website as well. Any questions, contact Copake Town Supervisor Jeanne E. Mettler 518-329-1234 X 1 or CopakeSupervisor@fairpoint.net
COPAKE–Copake Memorial Park playgrounds, athletic courts and fields are closed. All other visitors to the Park must maintain 6 feet of social distance and refrain from any group activity. A sign reciting this message is posted at the Park. The skate board park, the tennis court and the basketball court are all off limits for the foreseeable future. The decision does not prohibit walking in the Park or jogging or flying a kite, provided that it is not a group activity.
COPAKE–Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for April 11, 2020 is cancelled.
COPAKE–Copake Town Board’s April Board meeting is Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 7 pm via Zoom or some similar method. (The date was changed from Thursday in order to avoid a conflict with Passover.) The link and any other information necessary will be publicized so that the public can “attend” the meeting.
COPAKE–Copake Grange #935, 628 Empire Road, has postponed all events at Grange Hall until May 1. But has stepped up to deliver groceries. In response to the COVID-19, the Copake Grange is matching up volunteers who want to help, with individuals who are homebound and need assistance with getting groceries or prescriptions. To volunteer- or if you need someone to pick up groceries or a prescription, call Granger Janet Mackin at 917-270-5989. You can also email her at: CopakeGrange@gmail.com. Non-Grange members are welcome to volunteer- and the Grange will help anyone who needs assistance regardless of whether they are a Grange member.
COPAKE—The Armen Donelian concert scheduled for April 4 at Roe Jan Community Library has been canceled.
GERMANTOWN–The Town of Germantown has cancelled committee and board meetings at Town Hall and large gatherings at the Activity Building. The Supervisor’s office, Clerk’s office, Justice Court and CEO’s office will continue to operate as usual, subject to change as developments dictate. The following meetings/gatherings are cancelled: Germantown Economic Development Committee meeting on March 27; Germantown Farmers Market on March 28; Spring Mixer at the Central House on April 1; Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt on April 5. Large events at the Activity Building will not be booked, through April 15.
GERMANTOWN–Germantown Library, 31 Palatine Park Road, closed until March 28. Germantownlibrary.org. 518-537-5800.
GHENT–Art Omi has suspended all public events and classes until further notice. The Benenson Center is closed until further notice. Visitors are welcome in the Sculpture & Architecture Park.
GHENT—The Art School of Columbia County is closed until further notice.
GHENT–Ghent Playhouse, 6 Town Hall Place, has cancelled the remainder of its 2019-2020 season.
GHENT–How Do Computers Work with Mark Clifton has been postponed until the first Monday after Hawthorne Valley School reopens. Questions 518 325-1113.
GHENT–The Community Cabaret at Hawthorne Valley School scheduled for March 28 has been canceled.
GHENT–The Ghent Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary’s Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny scheduled for March 29 at the Ghent Firehouse, 2230 Route 66, has been canceled.
GHENT–Town of Ghent cancellations: Zoning Board and Planning Board meetings for April.Town Court is adjourned until further notice. Town Hall is closed to the public. Call 518-392-4644 and leave a message and check the town website for phone numbers and emails. www.townofghent.org
Ghent Food Pantry—For now, the pantry will remain open the same hours Monday-Thursday 9 am – noon. 518-392-4644. Donations may be made to: Ghent Food Pantry, PO Box 98, Ghent 12075 c/o Ghent Town Hall
GHENT–The Ghent Food Pantry continues to operate. The pantry serves residents of the Chatham Central School District. Open Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – noon. Pre-packaged groceries can be picked up at the side door of Ghent Town Hall, 2306 NY-66, Ghent, NY 12075. Monetary donations are being accepted.
GREAT BARRINGTON, MA—Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, 14 Castle St, has cancelled all events through Friday, April 10 and closed the theater building to the public. For ticket exchanges and refunds, call the box office, 413 528-0100, during standard box office hours, Wednesday through Saturday from noon-4 pm.
GREAT BARRINGTON, MA—The Triplex Cinema is closed through April 9. Theater staff will re-evaluate the closure as the situation unfolds and will plan a reopening as soon as is reasonable given the situation. The March 31 showing of In Search of Haydn is postponed, with the hope of rescheduling as soon as possible. For help with refunds or exchanges, call 413 528-8886 x 200 or stop by once the theater is reopened. The theater’s weekly newsletter continues, along with its Facebook and Twitter pages.
GREENPORT–Columbia-Greene Community College will extend its Spring Break for students by one week, to Friday, March 27. This calendar change will allow the college additional time to develop plans to transition courses, wherever possible, to remote instruction including distance- and online learning.
GREENPORT–All programs and activities at the Adult Learning Institute at Columbia-Greene Community College are suspended until further notice.
GREENPORT–The Young at Heart Playwriting Workshop at Olana State Historic Site, 5720 Rt. 9G, has been postponed to May 21-June 19. olana.org/programs-events.
GREENPORT–Olana State Historic Site, 5720 State Route 9G, like all New York State Parks remains open. Access to Olana’s 250-acre landscape is free. The park is open every day from 8 AM to sunset. Olana has suspended all public programs and tours at this time. Tours will resume tours as soon as the health situation permits. Staff updates olana.org and its social media feed regularly.
HARLEMVILLE–Hawthorne Valley campus, 327 County Route 21C, is closed to the public.The Farm Store is still open and welcoming customers. The farmyard, play yards, picnicking areas, and recreational areas of the campus are all closed to families, students and visitors.
HILLSDALE–Hillsdale Town Hall and the Town Garage are closed to the public. Town Hall staff members will continue to work, so they can be reached by email, phone or mail. The Highway Department is working a regular schedule and taking precautions as advised by the State.
*No walk-in traffic will be permitted at Town Hall.
*As Town Courts have been canceled by Governor Cuomo, Hillsdale Town Court is canceled on March 18 and April 15.
*Consult the Town Directory if you need to reach the Town Clerk, Court Clerk, Assessor, Building Inspector, Supervisor, or members of the Town Board. All telephone calls and emails will be returned promptly.
*Use the mail slot at the front door of Town Hall if you have anything to drop off.
HILLSDALE–Roe Jan Food Pantry, PO Box 475, 2648 State Rte 23, open Fridays 10 a.m. to noon. Call ahead if possible: Betty White 518-325-3977 or Vernetta Moore 413-446-9431. Any questions, contact us @ roejanfoodpantry@gmail.com
HILLSDALE—LABspace, 2642 Rt 23, has put Space Case on pause for the time being, hopefully to reopen in April with viewings by appointment, and an eventual Closing Celebration to give this show a proper send off. julielabspace@gmail.com, 917-749-2857.
HILLSDALE–The Roadside Cleanup Day in Hillsdale, scheduled for March 28, has been cancelled.
HILLSDALE—There’s a safe new delivery service in town offering free delivery of groceries and supplies to seniors, immunocompromised, or otherwise at-risk community members during the COVID-19 outbreak. Doorstep Deliverers is delivering groceries to housebound neighbors and helps local businesses that do not have the capacity to offer free deliveries. Volunteers from Doorstep Deliverers will pick up and deliver in Hillsdale, Copake, Egremont, Craryville, and Great Barrington from any local supermarket or store that offers pickup of orders paid for by phone. If you or someone you know can benefit from this service, visit their website: https://www.doorstepdeliverers.org/or call 917-583-9612.
HUDSON—HRC Showcase Theatre has cancelled all remaining readings for the season. These will be rescheduled in the next season.
HUDSON—Hudson Hall is closed to the public and all activities are suspended until further notice. Ticket holders to The Orchestra Now (March 29), Camphill Hudson Players (April 3) and Bird Flight: A Charlie Parker Centennial Celebration concert series (starting April 4) have been notified. The annual Proprietors Ball has been postponed to a date to be announced.
HUDSON–Hudson High School production of Shrek the Musical has been cancelled.
HUDSON–Columbia Economic Development (CEDC) has suspended in-person meetings and instead conducts meetings via teleconference, video conference or telephone. CEDC will not be accepting walk-in visitors. Calls and emails are welcome, as well as visits to columbiaedc.com.
HUDSON–Christ Church Episcopal has postponed its March 27-28 poetry reading and book sale.
HUDSON–Tricks of the Trade: A Magician’s Show and Tale at Lightforms Art Center April 4 is cancelled.
HUDSON—Carrie Haddad Gallery is open by appointment only through March 31 (unless otherwise notified). The current exhibition, Color Quest, will be extended through May 10. 518 828-1915 CarrieHaddadGallery.com.
HUDSON—Hudson Area Library is closed through March 31. Patrons are encouraged to hold on to any borrowed materials until the library is back in service. Overdue fines that accrue during this time will be waived. Online resources are still available at hudsonarealibrary.org.
HUDSON—TSL has suspended all regular movie and broadcast programming. For ticket refunds and credits, contact jeff@timeandspace.org, 518 822-8100. TSL remains operational as a community resource, including a developing initiative to provide meals to go and for delivery: timeandspace.org/calendar/comfort.
HUDSON—Caldwell Gallery Hudson is open by appointment only until further notice: 518 828-7087 or jay@caldwellgalleryhudson.com.
HUDSON–The Hudson Festival Orchestra (HFO) has postponed the August 1 performance, Hudson in Concert: A Community Celebration, at Henry Hudson Riverfront Park. HFO plans to hold the event in the summer of 2021.
HUDSON–First Presbyterian Church Hudson, 369 Warren Street, is currently closed due. The church resumes its worship Sunday, March 29 online.
HUDSON–Operation Unite New York has postponed many of its activities. The Youth-in-Action Workforce Development Program, along with all community, academic and cultural programs will be delayed as of now. The Hudson Youth Government Day event will be rescheduled at a future date. In addition, the organization has postponed plans for the 2020 Gala and the Kyle Marshall Dance Concert at Columbia-Greene Community College. The office is officially closed to the public. To contact Operation Unite call 518-828-3612.
info@helsinkihudson.com helsinkihudson.com 518.828.4800
KINDERHOOK–Jack Shainman Gallery | The School is available by appointment. 518 758-1628, clark@jackshainman.com.
KINDERHOOK—Kinderhook Memorial Library is closed at least until March 27. kinderhooklibrary.org, 518 758-6192.
KINDERHOOK—Concerts in the Village has postponed its April 5 and April 26 concerts. New dates are yet to be determined.
LIVINGSTON– Livingston Free Library is closed until March 31. livingston.lib.ny.us, 518 851-2270.
MELLENVILLE–The Claverack Republican Club has canceled the annual Easter egg hunt scheduled for April 11 at the Claverack Town Park. There are no plans to reschedule the hunt.
MILLERTON–The Moviehouse, 48 Main St, is closed temporarily. It will reopen as soon as local and state health authorities say it is safe to do so. 518 789-0022, themoviehouse.net
NEW LEBANON–The New Lebanon Library has canceled all March programming and will be closed to the public for the remainder of the month. 518 794-8844, newlebanonlibrary.org.
NORTH CHATHAM–North Chatham Free Library has suspended programming until further notice. The library will remain open but will review on a daily basis. For up-to-date information visit northchathamlibrary.org.
OLD CHATHAM–Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) have temporarily moved their Sunday worship at 11 a.m. from their Meetinghouse at 539 County Route 13, Old Chatham to the Web. All are welcome to worship with us every Sunday using a zoom link at our website: www.
PHILMONT–Philmont Library is closed until further notice. philmontlibrary.com, 518 672-5010.
PHILMONT—The Free Columbia Around the World Spring Break Camp Special Edition CHINA set for April 13 to 17 at the Philmont Community Center has been canceled. Contact: Susannah White 716-464-0931, carapacefarm@gmail.com. Camp co-sponsored by the Village of Philmont at the Philmont Community Center 14 Lake Drive, Philmont, www.freecolumbia.org www.laurasummer.com 518-672-7302
SPENCERTOWN– Spencertown Academy has canceled the Roots & Shoots concert by Jim Kweskin scheduled for Saturday, April 4. spencertownacademy.org, 518 392-3693.
STOCKBRIDGE, MA–Norman Rockwell Museum is closed to the public and plans to reevaluate on April 1. Museum staff are available to assist callers: General inquiries: questions@nrm.org, 413 931-2221.
VALATIE–The Tri-Village Seniors meeting at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church is canceled. The April 15 trip to Turning Stone Casino is cancelled.
VALATIE– Valatie Free Library is closed until March 31. Check out the Library’s web page to download ebooks & audio books on Overdrive and stream movies on Kanopy. Kids and parents can find links to free digital entertainment on the sibrary’s social media pages. valatielibrary.net, 518 758-9321.