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Chatham weighs cost of water


CHATHAM – The Village Board heard a report on the village’s water system from Village Engineer Pat Prendergast at the regular meeting March 12. Based on the report, which detailed problems with the village water tower and reservoir, Mr. Prendergast recommended refurbishing the nearly 50-year-old tower and possibly building a new water tower at the reservoir.

The board approved issuing a request for bids to repair and paint the existing tower, a project Mr. Prendergast said could cost about $300,000. He said the work that needs to be done on the reservoir would be even more costly and suggested the village look into low interest loans and grants to build a water tower at the reservoir.

Mr. Prendergast also discussed water rates with the board. He said that “in-district payers”–people who live in the village and use the public water system–“get the cheapest water in the county right now.” He also pointed out that the village would save some money in the water budget and apply the savings to the cost of refurbishing the water tower.

Mr. Prendergast all suggested the board revisit the pump station and well on Shore Road, which are currently not in use. He said the well would be a good backup for the village. “You really only have one well,” he told board, adding that state standards say the village should have two. Mr. Prendergast said the village crews could test the water at the Shore Road pump station to see if it could go back into use.

Last week the board also set the date for the public hearing on whether to extend the village moratorium on construction of new commercial buildings for the next six months. A public hearing on that proposal is scheduled for March 26 at 7 p.m. at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall. The moratorium has been in place since a committee began its review the village Comprehensive Plan.

The Comprehensive Plan Committee will hold a public hearing March 24 at 7 p.m. at the Tracy Memorial. The committee was meeting up until February to rewrite the plan from 1995, which will affect zoning law in the village. A draft Comprehensive Plan is available at the Village Clerk’s Office, at the Chatham Public Library and online at the village website at

Also at the meeting:

  • The board set dates for the budget meetings. Village budgets must be submitted to the state by the end of April. The village fiscal year runs run from June through May. The mayor will release a tentative budget March 20 and the board will review the budget at a public hearing March 26. There will be budget meetings April 1 and April 16 at 7 p.m. and a meeting on April 9 at 6 p.m.
  • The Village Clerk’s Office will now accept credit card payments. Any bill, including permit fees, taxes and water and sewer bills, can be paid for with a credit card. A small fee will be added to the bills of those who pay by credit card.

The next village meeting will be Thursday, April 9 at 7 p.m. at the Tracy Memorial/Village Hall.

To contact reporter Emilia Teasdale email



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